Beautiful story. There's something about confronting memories through Physical Things that is both painful and bitter, but is also relieving. It's like a quiet space for you to understand the past, I guess. Going through old things reminds you of all the bad stuff and good stuff.
This was a pretty introspective piece that I think does a good job at exploring that. Being alone in a place you'd like to forget and yet also kind of lingering on the memories that you can't really ignore. Towards the end with Quinn, I was right alongside Noah with that discomfort in my stomach. Knowing how he fucked up in the past and regrets it and how he's afraid to clean the wound because he's not sure if it'll help or make it hurt even more. For a split second, I was like "I don't know if i want to apologize, I'm afraid of what they'll say" even though I'm not even Noah!!
Again, beautiful work. Really puts you in Noah's headspace and had me reflecting back on similar and not-so-similar painful memories. I'm glad you made it and I'm glad you shared it here :)