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And consider not using furry to search for cute animals. The problem in general is, that attributes about the main character are not commonly tagged. Furry does not even exist as a tag on Steam. Look at the 400+ game tagged sonic on itch. Most of them feature a certain Hedgehog. But only 2 of them are tagged furry. And in this context, most people that do care to tag attributes about the character do not use "furry" to talk about cute anthro animal heroes.
Look at a popular game, Backpack Hero.
Genre Role Playing, Card Game, Strategy
Tags 2D, Cute, Deck Building, Dungeon Crawler, Pixel Art, Roguelike, Roguelite, Turn-based
No mention, none at all, that all the characers are anthropomorphic animals.
I guess it is just so very common to see talking animals acting like humans. Just look at all the animation movies. Or comics with talking ducks and mice. And of course video games. You would not label those items as "furry".
Maybe start at "cute" and scroll till you see hairs. Look at examples and note what tags are used.