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Hi Michael,

So I finished my first full RIG campaign and have come away with a handful of questions:

1) Does a battle end immediately when the final threat is destroyed, or does a player still get to resolve other keywords after Harm (i.e., can a player still clear Heat in that final round)? Do “end of round” effects still trigger if relevant?

 2) Are obstacles and/or pits considered terrain for purposes of Hover? Only difficult terrain explicitly uses the word.

 3) For scenarios and abilities that add difficult terrain/obstacles/pits to the grid, how do those additions interact with existing features? Should I re-roll if I randomly roll a space that already contains a feature of the relevant type? If a threat triggers Void but is already next to a pit, can I choose the space of the existing pit to prevent the creation of a new one? (During my play, I generally ruled these situations in whatever way would be most disadvantageous to me, but the intention is unclear.)

 4) Threats always move so as to be in optimal range for their attacks, but how do you resolve movement for activations that don’t include an attack?

All in all, I enjoyed the puzzle of the experience, but my playthrough was much easier than I anticipated. I took one early refit not long after the SOLITAIRE tutorial to fully equip (using only one non-basic gear) and recover damage, but the loadout I chose (maximizing mobility and heat mitigation) seemed to trivialize most of the challenge from there on out. I never took another refit (apart from the mandatory one between levels) and ended the game with no damage, no heat, and nearly 40 ammo (which I didn't farm but my loadout didn't use). I ran into a similar issue with Rune where early equipment choices seemed to really minimize the difficulty. What was your experience of the difficulty in playtesting?


Hey there,

1) A battle ends immediately when the last threat is destroyed.

2) Yes, all location features (pits, obstacles, difficult terrain) can be bypassed with hover.

3) Most churn etc. make allowances for how location features change or are added, otherwise it is up to you to judge.

4) The way I interpret threat movements is to always move them into spaces that are most advantageous. A certain amount of player interpretation is needed.

My experience was very different than yours, which is as expected. For example I like experimenting with different equipment when I get it and having a mix of different ranged and melee weapons. Other players find one build and they stick with it throughout the whole game. 


Thanks for the quick feedback! The answer to question 1 definitely goes a significant way toward nerfing the method I was using. I was essentially marking tons of heat each turn then clearing it with the basic core and Heat Vent. I also allowed myself the clear after the final attack. If I was forced to carry all heat used in the last round(s) over to the next battle, I would've had to play last rounds much more conservatively.

Ah yes, I can see how that would change things!