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Thank you for the feedback! As just a dude making this game, it's really really helpful to get these. Thank you!

Well, I rewrote the inventory system for the forth time already lol, and I think it's finally stable within a bigger scale. (the invsys was by far the most complicated, challenging but fun thing I've ever made so far)

The inventory item detection (the thing that bugged out), was worked well till around 40 fps, but when it came to 80 and above it started to break apart.
As of now, I finally have a relatively decent pc to work with, thanks to the overwhelming support around my game, but I've made CHORDOSIS on a really old low end 12years old CPU, so I had no chance to get my frames above around 65 at an absolutely max.
This was okay, for optimizing a relatively realistic game like mine for wider range of configs, but it also come with the downsides inside my code.

As of further development, I'm still using my oldass config for testing to achieve that 60fps on it. Optimizing is a pain in the bumbum but it's just so well worth it and I really do care!

And about the control bindings, I already coded them in to the game, but its just really buggy so far, so the option is not expanded to players right now, it's hidden.
But of course, there will be more options for it in the future. I actually have a cool ass menu for that :D

Thank you again for the feedback and for all of the kind words!
Truly means a lot!