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Great set of tools! It got me up and running as a beginner really quickly. A couple things:

- ON your Health Event node, I think the HIT and Dead Outputs need to be switched. I may be wrong, but when I switched them, worked as expected, vice before, Dead triggers every hit.

- For your Game Life Cycle nodes, how do restart the current level (like a level reset) instead restarting the entire scene?


Thanks for reaching out and I'm glad you are enjoying the tool.

- Yes you are right about the Health Event it is switched, I'll fix that in the next update.

- There isn't a way to do that with Level Controller, the reason for that is that reloading the level part is not a problem(remove the level part and load a new one) but any state in the game is custom to the game and there isn't a way for the controller to know what sates needs to be reset, restarting the scene is the simplest way to reset the level. Why don't you want to restart the scene? maybe Game Life Cycle is missing something that should be added?

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping to keep the scene persistent and cycle through the levels. Basically, if you died on level 50, you can restart at level 50.....not have to restart from the very beginning......

Oh, if you use the Levels from SPUC that is what should happen, restarting the scene would load level 50 for you. 

I think I get it now. Thanks! great job on this!