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There's potential in the gameplay but a lot of things made it frustrating to play for me. First, it's kind of hard reading a tutorial text while a boss is hitting you at the same time. This means it took me a good while before noticing my life was just a timer and I kept wondering why I died, even after beating the first boss. Second, the dash seemed to sometimes steal life and sometimes not? That might be due to a specific hitbox of the boss or a cooldown, but even if it was visible, I did not catch it, there are too many things happening on the screen which make the game not read well.

The shooting itself felt good. The jumping, not so much, movement felt a bit sluggish. As for dashing, several times I was confused to see my dash go in the wrong direction, even if you tell it in the instructions, it's still weird for my brain to click to use a dash but not direct this dash using the mouse, I just think the keyboard would be a better fit for this one.