1) Did you forget to fix the typos? If not, what happened?
3) I still think it should be renamed, probably to "Very/Extremely Hard" or "Nearly Impossible". The fact that these challenges are theoretically possible makes "Impossible" exaggerated.
As for the different abbreviations for orders of magnitude, I still think that "Qi", etc. should be used. Even if "aa" is easy to read, it does not really represent the actual order of magnitude because of the completely different name. If that change succeeds, the name of the achievement "abnaire?" should be changed to "Sextillionaire".
I am against a planned addition of languages; inaccuracies might exist in languages that aren't your native one. A comparison between tools for translation: https://centus.com/blog/is-deepl-accurate https://www.makeuseof.com/chatgpt-vs-google-translate-which-is-better-at-transla... (Yes, I know nothing is perfect)
Also, sorry for saying it again, but some references to "G.A.I.A." lack a fourth and final dot.