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Thank you!! There actually is a decent amount of fanart and a few fanfics on AO3 for Mistrick. I've retweeted any fanart that was sent my way on my twitter account @Hatoge_ if you want to take a look 😄 

(2 edits) (+2)

maybe i am fit to be called as insane as chase the way i binged the fics! might go out of my way and take the initiative to write one myself lmao (i actually really want to now that i think about it pfft).  and omg the artwork is too cute 😭😭 this game has to be one of my favorite hyperfixations yet. thank u so much for this game :(( 


HELLO UMM the intrusive thoughts won: I wrote it :))))

if anyone wants to check it out!!! (yes it is a shameless self promo)