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When I import the MIDI, they are color coded yeah. But when I export, it exports as just one channel/color. I'll try the app you suggested and get back to you anyway :)

(1 edit)

Hmm... are you trying to re-import the midi into the program by any chance? You may also need to also resort the channels in an app as with importing.

This is kinda buggy behavior so im gonna go ahead and add this to my bug list that im fixing and will fix this soon


I tried putting the MIDI back into kobimusic today out of curiosity and it actually does recognise all the channels in there. I was specifically using a Super Mario Bros. midi, as I wanted to generate new sections of the OST, drag the midi into gxscc to emulate the 8-bit sound without having to actually worry about real limitations of the NES, and then blind react. But it puts everything onto one piano channel. Drums and the lot of it. Same thing when I tried loading it in SynthFont, same thing when I open it with Windows Media Player, and same thing when I sent it to a friend. One thing I noticed is when I go to save the midi, it does not have a recommended file. It's not prompting me to name a .mid file, it's just blank and you gotta add the filename yourself. So maybe something in the saving is getting mixed up?

Ah ok, I was able to replicate this bug with the gxscc app. I was able to fix it by importing it in this, then just simply downloading it again. You can also configure the instruments there if the gxscc app doesn't support changing of instruments.

Hope this works for you🤞


Yep, it worked! Thanks!