I took a look at all the things going wrong with Street Fighter vs Tekken on Dolmexica and it's unfortunately quite a lot.
- Not relevant for the vita version, but it already fails loading the truetype fonts. For the vita version though, that will mean that those fonts will not show up since truetype fonts are not supported on there. Will be fixed for other platforms though.
- Then there's the issue that a lot of paths have \ instead of / in them, which Dolmexica does not handle gracefully, that also has to be fixed.
- There seems to be a difference in how Mugen and Dolmexica handle fight/system fonts. Dolmexica completely unloads the system fonts before loading the fight fonts, leading to the fights in Street Fighter vs Tekken missing font1 (in data/RenegadeLifebar/FightWithoutPorts.def). That will also have to be adapted to avoid a crash when loading fights.
- Characters themselves sometimes crash on Dolmexica due to various reasons. Balrog_mx has an unclosed group header that doesn't seem to be handled gracefully and causes issue. Similarly CvS_OgreTAG just crashes.
- Other characters have smaller issues, Blankaw's hitboxes don't work (probably a localcoord issue) and some characters like Kratos2 don't have any input in Dolmexica.
- There's also some characters that work, even when fighting against themselves, such as Cammy.
- There are issues in the appearance of both menus and stages. There seems to be something going wrong with the localcoord of the stages in Dolmexica. This should technically work, probably a bug there somewhere.
From what I see it's not one thing that affects all characters, but rather a range of different issues affecting different characters, unfortunately. I'll continue taking a look at and fixing the issues, I just wanted to give a first overview over the things that are going wrong as this might take a while to fix.