thanks so much hehe I totally appreciate your interest!
events are a testing feature I added in background a couple years ago, but only the Halloween one with Vivian has an animation and miniquest to play. My expectative was to bring on more random event contents, animation variants and mini-quests for those dates, with some extra animations too, but at the moment they're out of the scope.
I'm working already through this year to upgrade the whole animation setup into the new interactive animation engine, which makes easier for me to control animations and touching scenes, and adding variations too, which means I can make special event color palettes and add more contents related to events as soon as I can complete the current roadmap through the first half of this year ^^, which I'm using also to improve and upgrade several plugins (the special dates among them).
So, yeah, I'd like to add some spicy valentine, april fools, halloween, christmas, easter ... even black friday if possible lol xD so we can bring more and more random stuff to pull the engine to the edge of tickling :D