Thank you for the answer!
I have some other questions, if you don't mind:
1.Do Genna or... Can't remember, the horned girl, have cutscenes or related quests, or is that still in development?
2. Lynessa has an option about some... Ivy maiden affair or something in the after-game pond, but it leads to nothing, is that an upcoming quest?
3. I'm playing the January update and can't trigger Boudicca's quest, is that still early-access only?
4. Same for Mylo, Magician's Headquarters are locked, are there prerrequisites for this?
yes, we are still working in the early access, I had some delay for these quests, they're ready but I wanted to progress further with the roadmap first, I'm expecting I can release Mylo and Boudicca's quests these next months before summer, with some more contents.
Genna is a new character and we are working on her already, (with a lovely new design 😉)
Lynessa's ivy maidens affair was a patron poll content, we don't have quest atm, but it's an extra for early access, just like boudicca's banshee scenes. These will come eventually too, but I wanted to find some mini quest first to get them involved in such scenes.