The visual presentation on this one is absolutely killer. Love the designs for each of the bosses and the artwork as a whole. Loved the environmental artwork as well. Detailed enough to flesh out the personality of the boss, but also not detailed to the point that it gets in the way of the action
The slime and it's cube form especially reminded me of one of the first bosses of titan souls lol.
The sound effects were nice, although the music kinda felt non-existant sometimes.
I felt like more could have been done in terms of implementing the theme into the moment-to-moment gameplay of the game, but it definitely made me want to play more carefully when I did attempt to go for a run without needing to use health. ( Unfortunately failed at it though kek )
I get that your aim was to make the player want to upgrade their stats after every fight, but I kinda feel that the base stats of the player could've been increased somewhat just to make it feel a little better. I also feel that the area covered by your scythe is honestly a little too small. Hits didn't register sometimes when it felt like they really should have
It was also really hard to tell when the player took damage. The feedback both visually and audio wise wasn't really noticable enough imo. Contrast to the damage feedback that the boss's have which was definitely more noticable ( although this admittedly could also have been somewhat better as well )
The boss's themselves were fun to fight and were definitely pretty dynamic with the various attacks they had. The acorn was definitely my favourite one to fight. Although I felt that some of their attacks could have had some more anticipation to them since they kind of come out of nowhere ( eg : The slime's attack where it elongates itself and moves side-to-side )
I liked the snowman fight, although I'm not really a fan of how you need to hit the pillars. I think the mechanic itself of using the pillars to hit the boss from under it is cool, but I didn't know about it for a while and kept dying because I tried hitting his snowman form. This wouldn't really be a problem if making use of the environment was a mechanic in some of the other fights, because then maybe I probably would have realised that you need to hit the pillars instead of just going for the boss. The real problem is how different this one fight was to every other fight.
( Frankly, my issues with the snowman might just be a bit of a personal thing, but I think that it's definitely still worth taking note of )
Still, once I did get it, it was a pretty cool fight. And that penguin was cute.
I'm not really a fan of the order of the boss's being randomised though. Especially since they vary quite a bit in terms of difficulty.
But at the end of the day, this was still a damn good game all things considered. I absolutely love the scale of things. Definitely very titan souls-ey, but feels like it's own thing at the same time.