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Fabled Forge Games

A member registered Aug 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We wanted the game to feel adventurous, and like there is always more to discover, so It makes me happy to hear that you felt there was a lot to explore! Thanks for playing!

Great game! I only made it to level 4 but it was a fun ride! Some of the challenges are pretty tough but very satisfying to finally pull off! And being pursued constantly really makes you think about every move. The checkpoints were spaced well and the coins are a nice way to help the player. The wall jump was a little tough to do consistently and the movement was a little floaty but all in all the controls feel good. I really like the level design and how each level introduces a new mechanic then expands on it. Really great job!!

Cute platformer, nice job!

This game was super fun! It was a little bit difficult at times, but the respawn mechanic is super forgiving, so you never have to worry about losing progress. Nice job!

The premise and style of the game were really appealing to me! I really like what you've done here, for some reason it really sparked my imagination. Nice job!

Cool idea! As someone who also made a game about pirates, I'm pretty bad at using a cannon haha. The visuals were super clean, although there were a couple of shots I thought I nailed, but were counted as misses, so I guess I didn't fully understand the hitboxes. Overall this was a pretty enjoyable game though, nice job!

I think the simplicity of the models translated really well in this resolution. The gameplay loop was also really good. All the fun little interactions, like launching off a ramp or getting flung by a collision made for a wild ride. Good job!

Cool game! As someone who's bad at golf irl, the idea of just hitting the ball is appealing! Jokes aside, this was a really fun game to play, nice work!

Cool idea! I like the way you followed the resolution guidelines and still managed to put some higher res art in, super clever! I did have a weird bug where I died right when I was zooming in, and it seemed to mess up my ability to shoot. Overall it was a really cool entry!

Thank you for playing! The pause menu seem to have eluded a few people, but to be fair the only place I mention it is in the game's description. I'm glad you enjoyed exploring our little world! 

Thanks for playing! To my knowledge, you might be the first to get to the end, nice job!

The starting island had some plans, but I never got around to them during the jam, so you didn't miss anything.

Thanks again for playing :)

I really liked the art style! The mechanic is really interesting, but my platforming instincts kept making me react to the movement in a way that sent me flying the opposite direction that I wanted haha. I'm sure with more practice I would get the hang of it. I did manage to reach the end after a few attempts! Nice work!

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, I wish I had time to implement more tutorial stuff, unfortunately the game jam timeline got the best of me. I'm hoping to improve on a lot of that post jam.

The half medallion disappearing is kinda strange, there is a way to expend it, but you most likely would have noticed doing it, so I'm inclined to think that it vanished due to a bug. I'll definitely look into it!

I intended to add more to the home island, but again time got the better of me, so currently none of the huts have any functionality. There is however merchants on the sea that will give you a chance to spend some of that hard earned gold on upgrades :)

I think the idea of adding a crosshair is an excellent idea, I also have some ideas for smoothing some of the rougher and more confusing mechanics in the future.

Thanks again for playing, and giving such a great breakdown of your experience, it will definitely help us improve the gameplay post jam!

Thank you! I'm really happy with the way the salvage game turned out :)

 Yeah the huts were a last minute addition, they were gonna be a tutorial of sort, but time caught up with me. Other Island do have things to interact with though, if you ever feel like giving it another go.

Either way, thank you  for playing!

Thank you! The game stems from an idea I had years ago, so I've thought about it a lot haha. In hindsight it was an extremely hard game to fit into a game jam development window, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Thank you for playing!

Glad you enjoyed! I'll have to look into the empty chest thing, that's a bug I hadn't come across yet. There actually is endgame islands to be found, but it's kinda convoluted, and I didn't do a great job teaching the player what to do... Thank you very much for playing!

Thank you! I'm glad you felt immersed! We added so many systems to this game that I think a couple things, like the combat, could have done with a little more development time. But I suppose that's just  how game jams go.  Thanks for playing :)

Thank you very much!

That's all there is for now, although we have a post-jam version in the works that will add some things.

Most of those issues have been solved in our update, but I hadn't come across that special attack bug, so I'll definitely have to look into it.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much! I always tend towards trying to make a game easier rather than harder for jam games. I've accidentally made a few unplayable monstrosities in the past, haha.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Yeah, for some reason the window opens, flashes some text, and then immediately closes. It seems like others have gotten it to run, so I'm thinking it may be something about my computer not playing nice...

Thank you! Yeah, I wish I had more time to design some more challenges around the sword bounce, but I was a little bit afraid to make the platforming too hard.

I definitely plan to flesh out the combat a bit more post jam. Thanks for playing!

Thank you! Yeah, the rift thing is a known bug, it's already fixed in my post jam version :).

I totally agree about the damage! The spike thing is already on my radar, for some odd reason it works as intended in the downloadable version, but works like you saw it in the html version... Adding knock back to the enemies is a great idea!

Thanks again for playing and giving feedback!

(1 edit)

Nice! I totally missed the phone directory change. And for some reason I interpreted the exclamation mark as a 0 as in "naught point five". Idk why my brain is the way it is...

Super cool game. I'm really glad I came back and finished it!

p.s. I'll let you know if I experience any side effects :)

It's pretty impressive that you managed to get a 2 player mode, and controller support in!

I think the game could use a little more feedback when you attack enemies. It's pretty hard to tell when you're doing damage. And maybe a slightly more controlled jump would allow you to dodge enemy bullets better.

I think with a bit of tweaking this game could be quite fun!

Pretty fun. It kinda reminded me of some oldschool snes games. Nice job!

Looks pretty cool. Sadly, I couldn't get the game to run...

This is a cool idea for a game! It took me a while to figure out the controls, but once I knew how to play I had fun.

This is a pretty cool entry, I took me a while to figure out how to control the ship, but it was pretty fun once I started to get the hang of it.

Haha, I played for quite a while, but made embarrassingly little progress. I got as far as revealing the safe, and mixing wine and mushroom in the sink. After that I couldn't seem to find the path forward. I have a feeling I was overlooking something simple...

Really cool! I'm unfortunately very bad at point and click games, so I wasn't able to make a whole lot of progress, but the stuff I saw was great! This is an excellent game for your first game jam!

Interesting idea for a jam project. I'm not too familiar with horse racing/betting, but it was pretty cool once I got my head around it.

This is an extremely well done entry! Really nice work!

This is a pretty cool entry! I did find it a bit hard to defeat enemies without taking damage, but that's probably due to my unfamiliarity with the genre. Regardless, I found it very fun! Nice job :)

Cool little game! I thought it was a pretty interesting premise once I figured out how to play it. Nice job!

Theoretically you should never need the high jump, but it does help in a pinch. My intention was to write a shader that let you see platforms through the lava, but it was one of the many things I never got around to...

Thank you for playing!

Very cool! I loved both the art and music. If it was a game, I would totally play it. Nice work!

Wow, thank you for the in depth writeup! We had a weird issue with hitboxes in our html version, so the spikes and destructible blocks had bigger hitboxes than expected. They work better in the downloadable version, I'm not 100% sure why...

As far as the skills go, you do unlock one after every level. you can choose which one to use with the select button, and you can use it by pressing up+attack. Unfortunately, I ran out of development time, so I never got around to teaching the player all of the mechanics. One of the abilities helps you get past destructible blocks :)

The password system does function in the downloadable version, but in the web version the "accept" button double triggers, so it goes to the password page, then it accepts a password of all zeroes with one keypress.

I'll look into the game widow sizing, I neglected to setup the linux configuration during the jam, but it should be a simple fix!

Thanks so much for playing, and leaving such useful feedback! We'll be posting a bunch of fixes post jam :)

Yeah, I think you're right! My shift key is right above my up arrow, and I think I must have pressed them both while I was trying to jump. It's definitely tough to make a control scheme work with only a few buttons, but I think the main reason I had trouble is because I was using a compact keyboard.

As others have said, the shoot mechanic didn't work for me. I really loved the aesthetics though! The game looks great, and really evokes the feelings of classic games. Nice job, I would love to play a fixed version :)