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Hey, love the game so far, but I am permanently softlocked inside of a plant! I watered a plant as I jumped and it grew and got me stuck inside of it, and I was wondering how I could teleport myself out or something similar so I don't have to restart.

i think you cant, but luckily that place isn't the long(i had to complete it 4 times to get 100%)

Oh wow! Really? I thought I patched out all places like that... Well, you can actually edit your coordinates in the savefile! I am sure it's not too hard to figure out, just find the savefile for Tree/Sprout and change your Y position slightly, or X position slightly, until you're shaken off!

(1 edit)

Alright thx for the info! Here's the spot if you were interested

I think it was my fault and not the game, I jumped and watered at the same time and it grew into me lol


Oh wow... Thanks for reporting this bug! At this point, I think I won't patch it, since there comes a point where I gotta just focus on the sequel, but wow that's a good catch! There was a bug like that before on a different branch, and I fixed it... You're a master for finding this one!