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A member registered Feb 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh wohoo! You know, my Discord has a looot of updates on the next one!

Oh gosh! Thank you muchly - what an inspiring comment!!

Looks like your save files are busted somewhat... Since you're the first person to report this, I believe the issue is on your end! Check your AppData folder and find the save folder for the game: does the file "savedValues.sav" exist? I can't troubleshoot it for you, but, it likely has to do with your AppData!

You should attack the crystal in the Shaman Tower, the big one!

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Yaa, I thought about it, but ultimately decided that it would be a little too advanced for my skill level! Various decisions like that allowed me to finish the game and not drag out the development too much, but, I get where you're coming from, it would be preeetty cool!

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See that castle right next to you? The one with the arrow pointing at the door? You can enter it! It's not too tricky from there! Also, sorry for being slow, I use a Discord server to handle the game questions now!

Oh, sorry for being slow - I am using a Discord server to help folks now... Well, what you need to do is to interact with floating computer screens and solve little riddles to proceed!

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Getting this here bug on hero levelup, I think!

Here are my curses:

Thought I'd just leave a comment, since that does not seem intentional - can't levelup my heroes anymore! The build is from right here, up-to-date! Great game though!!

Aw, kind of you to offer! I'm good though, got a couple of friends - still, thanks!

Through the Dream World! Enter the cactus with a door!

Very clever! I just did it!

Oh wow... I am so sorry! Did you talk to Pumi-Pumi/Note? She gives you a seed that you can use...

Eat my cucumber doesn't have a pic %'3 It's just a little joke, pal!

A buncha time (depends on what drawing it is, you'd need to be more specific!), and, not really but hopefully soon!

There are seeds you can use... With Watercan!

There's no ending with him unfortunately!

Where? In the game? Well, um... It's an adventure, and it has quests, so, it would certainly help!

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Hi! Unfortunately, that's a little beyond my abilities currently... Sorry you couldn't run it very well!..

Oh wow... Thanks for reporting this bug! At this point, I think I won't patch it, since there comes a point where I gotta just focus on the sequel, but wow that's a good catch! There was a bug like that before on a different branch, and I fixed it... You're a master for finding this one!

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Omg thaaanks for playing it!!!! %'3 And thanks a lot for good wishes!!

Hmmmm... There is definitely an enemy missing then! Which one are you missing? Maybe you haven't gotten pierced by the shooty enemies in Heaven Oasis?

Oh wow! Really? I thought I patched out all places like that... Well, you can actually edit your coordinates in the savefile! I am sure it's not too hard to figure out, just find the savefile for Tree/Sprout and change your Y position slightly, or X position slightly, until you're shaken off!

Very-very likely it will be free!

Thanks for responding to some folks here Vile Being!!

Ooh, well that explains it then! Sorry for that mishap, I had to change their placements since folks couldn't find the more important seeds before %'3

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Absolutely! Writing this comment as I am drawing the endings, actually!

Hmmm... Do you have the pink seed for sure? I am pretty sure this pot requires a different seed, though, I can be wrong... Try getting the seed in the vending machine/secret wall seed and see if those work! Otherwise, if you've used the seed in the very first versions of the game, you'd need to delete/edit the savefile (to put "1" next to all Seeds), because I swapped their places around, so the savefile doesn't carry over to new versions very well!


Top-right, it's there!

There is a secret in Heaven Oasis - try jumping at suspicious walls!

You are given a seed by someone there - can't miss it! Plant it in the pot by watering it!

%'3 It's not impossible!

Hmm... If you open the portal from River to Oasis and back, then yes, you are locked out of those endings! You can speedrun your way back to them - I am pretty sure I made it so your gallery is saved?.. You can backup your saves just in case!! Also thank you!!

Try using a shell on the vending machine? Could work! There is also a secret wall with the green platforms...

You got it all correctly %'3

A person down below has responded to your comment very comprehensively - they're right about it all!

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Thank youuuuuuu for your loveeee!!!!!

Did that do it? Just tried marking it!

You should leave her at her last instance of choice!

Oh waow congratz!! And thank you!! %'3