I'm also in the jam, and I know with more time everyone has a list of things they'd like to add or wanted to add. I try to provide the listed feedback in a constructive form to highlight different perspectives as a player and to show that I indeed did play the game.
- When I first opened the game I thought they wanted tombstones. I tried giving the customer a purple item and thought they'd die giving it to them. lol.
- I would put the ESC key in the control table on Itch. I could not figure out how to play the game until I finally called it quits and pressed ESC to exit and then show the recipes page.
- I LOVED the thumbnail
- On web, at least on linux+chrome the music is very jittered. I am not sure if this is just a audio sampling issue on exporting or just on my end.
- Blending the pixel art with non-pixel art kind of messe with my eyes.
- Wasn't a huge fan of the camera angle. It felt like this 2d combined with 3d'ish vibe