Thanks for playing. As you know, I'm also in the jam, and I know with more time everyone has a list of things they'd like to add or wanted to add. I try to provide the listed feedback in a constructive form to highlight different perspectives as a player and to show that I indeed did play the game.
- It wasn't until wave 3 I realized that the keys can be use with right click, lol. I was ready to just smash my way without the keys. I admit I did not play the tutorial. I was a bit confused when I could finish the wave, but not pick up all the keys and such.
- Once I learned how to use the keys I was like, oh my gosh, the doors are overpowered, super giant laser door gun?!?! Such wow.
- Health gain kind of looks like a wooden log
- Found it a bit difficult to always predict where my door hitting was going to be.
- A lot of stuff added for such a small period of time!