I think things that could have been done within the game jam's time frame that would have improved it would be:
- Cross Hair (probably was in the plan)
- No crazy "recoil" (or what is more likely the camera is just not functioning as intended, which, hey, it's a game jam, I get it. Sometimes you just gotta submit it!)
- Choice of weapon doesn't convey the bullet drop off. Either remove the drastic drop off (or reduce it) or change to weapon to something like a sling shot.
- Bullet impact visual of some sort (even just a flat "bullet hole" image) and when the bullet hits something and the object gets deleted, the smoke trail should NOT get deleted imo. Caused me a bit of confusion.
- Put the character in a roller coaster type cart and use a simple mono "tram" rail to give the player a more immersive "theme park" type feel rather than a "why I am I walking but can't stop or move?"
- Along the same lines, give some visual indicator of some sort that makes it intuitive to know how far left/right I'm allowed to look (or just give me the full 360 degrees since I'm on foot).
- The hour glass seems to push the character back several yards, not sure if that was intended, but it's a bit confusing.
- Indicator or a visual change to the weapon to show fast it is (and somewhere to show how much slower you are). Simple HUD with a count would be fine.
That said, I really like the concept and enjoyed the game. Reminds me of the MIB ride in Orlando where you were in a cart-on-rails-shooter and tried to get the high score against the group you were in. Thanks to my mouse's auto click feature, I was able to score a 800+ points, and had fun with my playthrough once I got orientated to the game. I'm sure the scores of 2000+ won't be too far behind. Great job and good take on the concept!