Like with Copper Glow a year and a half ago, E5Burrito has once again created something extremely appealing to me. DISAFFILIATED is a rules-lite, narrative-and-investigation centered RPG, cross-compatible with FIST if you so desire.
DISAFFILIATED reminds me of Delta Green in vibes. In DISAFFILIATED, the characters are underfunded, undersupported, and pitifully human in the face of the paranormal. Unlike FIST, characters do not have paranormal powers. Instead, a system of Traits and Skills describe their learned abilities as clandestine agents.
Mechanically, DISAFFILIATED is simple, but it takes a more structured approach than FIST, encouraging planning and social interaction. I think the RTP and KIT system is an excellent way to get players thinking ahead about their actions without getting bogged down in the details.
There's a lot of stuff in here that can be useful both within DISAFFILIATED and in any game. The mission structure system is excellent for keeping players making decision and engaging with the narrative, and the guide for creating paranormal threats and campaigns about them is truly awesome. The example mission provided is very cool, and it has some neat "The God Whale"-like post-human stuff going on.
I'm not entirely sure I'm sold on the Out Of Commission system of health. It feels like there's not really any reason not to push through being OOC, unless you're in a situation where you can immediately get rest.
Also, a small nitpick: It's a little weird that The Director is referred to with he/him.
DISAFFILIATED is a grounded and intrigue based RPG filled with all the fear and uncertainty of a newly post-Cold-War world, and it would make for an incredible experience with the right group. I'd recommend it. I'm definitely excited to get together a group and play it!