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Fears of a parent? I have 4. I'm not worried about alien invasions, I'm worried about them being stupid and falling off the stairs because they were running down them, while picking their noses and not paying attention at the fact that one of them left a jeep toy on the top step. No aliens though. :)

The art is consistent, which is good, but the style diminished the impact of the drama somewhat.

Generally speaking the animations were a little imprecise, as in slidy, as well as they could be interrupted at unexpected times. Again, a bit of a blunder for immersion.

The highlight of the game for me was the voice acting. By no means at a professional level, but it still helped with immersion substantially. The best part was when the girl asked her mother about how the world was before the invasion.

The endlessly replenishing guns diminished the sense of danger.

I don't think the theme was hit. Literally any game could be concluded with "it was all a dream, lol".

Pretty solid entry though. Nice seeing some ambition by having voice acting that's meaningful in a game jam game.

Took me a bit to understand this was a roast and a bit of satire. Thanks for the great goof! A++