Thanks for trying out my submission, Miniguy! I know it's kind of an odd take on the theme so I'm glad you cold appreciate the concept. My 7yo is indeed already better at it than I am. 🤣 Cheers!
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Honestly, a very intriguing take on the theme and great presentation for a jam game. A jam game based on Socratic debate is very ambitious and I give you props. Unfortunately, the game ran very poorly on my browser (chrome) event in full screen mode. I believe the games resolution might be a higher than it needs to be for a browser game? Otherwise one of my favorite submissions.
I was excited to play this just because the thumbnails looked so interesting. It reminds me of that iOS kingdoms game a bit. I really do like the concept but without any satisfying feedback it was hard to stay engaged. Some feedback and reaction to the players choices would go a long ways to making the game feel more like a game. Love the art. Thanks for sharing!
It was SO nice to play something that had some polish to it. I loved the art direction and cute stylization. The fact that the game is guaranteed to only last 5 minutes was nice as sometimes jam games drag on for far too long. I loved it but honestly tho, it wasn't until around half way through I realized the connection between ants. This aspect lacked in communication to the player how they were "Connected Together". Just my meager 2 cents anyways. Thanks for your teams great submission and be proud to have such a polished project. Cheers!
Feeling like a badass is exactly what I was going for so I'm stoked you felt that way. I actually had a time delay like you mentioned but it made things feel worse so I made the delay like 0.5 secs and now it's barely noticeable. For a jam game I figured it best to err on the side of less challenging? Anyways, thanks for the great feedback and taking the time to play the game. Cheers!
Glad you liked the game overall. Ya, I only had time to put in a few tutorial popups crammed in the last few minutes of the jam. With a project as ambitious as this its hard to find the time for a proper tutorial. Thanks for your feedback and taking the time to checkout my submission. Really appreciated :)