I enjoyed playing your game and I'm really glad that someone interpreted the theme as this memorizing concept! I had a similar idea myself but than did something else. :)
Since you asked for feedback I'll give my best provide some:
- First of all: Great thumbnail! We all know that when it comes to publishing games, marketing is maybe even more important than the game itself. So great job here! I really can see this thumbnail beeing used as a YT-Vid-Thumbnail or something lol.
- The game is about memorizing and comparing two pictures essenially. But you've managed to combine the gameplay with a story! This is how it always should be in polished games! Awesome!
- As a gamedeveloper we always want our game to be user-friendly, meaning a user should always know what to do. You added a tutorial in the start explaining which doors do what. But one forgets it pretty fast. On the second floor I was already like "ok which door was for similar again?" - And I don't think its just me. I think you should add signs above the two doors on each floor so noone gets confused again!
- Great Job on the animation! I love how Zach carries his little briefcase back and forth!
- In terms of game-progression: I'm not quite sure, but I think the dificulty of a floor does not correlate with its number right? This is something that could be improved! Meaning on the first floors the changes are obvious - they are many of them etc. and on the last floor there is only one little change, like adding a pencil (maybe even on the carpet so its harder to see)
- I can't see why you said your music "sucked" - I think it fits the vibe of the game perfectly!
- It's a good thing to add a joke at the end, like the one with "don't pet my cats!!!" - This leaves the user with a laughter, so a good impression is left! awesome! (Also I totally tried to pet them - but you put an invisible border there.
- Last thing: It's a bit weird that you respawn on first floor after beating the game... It would be better to return to the main-menu maybe, or to see a victory-screen, maybe where zach sits in the background starting his new job. idk.
Hope the feedback was helpful!