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White Cherry

A member registered Aug 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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First of all, I really like the art style and the game design overall, the soundtrack is also very fitting. For the gameplay I think it's a little too easy, but that might be just my perception ;) Great submission tho

So first of all, the atmosphere is amazing. The soundtrack and SFX give the game a calm, but also intense vibe, which fits the game very well. I also like the minimalistic 8 Bit graphics. I really enojyed the game, great entry! ;)

The idea is very creative, and I really love the graphics! Very good submission ;)

nice concept and good design :)

Great game. I love the difficulty, many other games I've played here were way too easy ;)  The design and graphics look very polished. I also like the music, it gives a good vibe :D

Very cool!

I really like the helper concept! The character design is also very unique and cool :D  The only thing I didnt like is that the music stops and you have to play the rest of the game in silence, but apart from that, a great entry!

This is how we felt as well, whenever a tiny change was made and we needed to playtest! xD

Ok I see you problem - The thing is - the shapes need to connect to EVERY tile in its surroundings - It has to connect to every tunnel-exit, and it cant lead into rocks. Its kinda tricky to wrap your head around at first, I know. But these are the rules. I definitely should have made a tutorial - but there was not enough time :/

I'm glad you like that game!!!

And ... Ughhh - A very tricky situation! And yeah the rules are that you can't dig in every direction! Only where the tunnel is like "cut of" you can continue in that particular direction, e.g. the tile to the bottom right of you. So in your case you'll have to go around the rock.

 I'll need to ask you: Did you you trap yourself like that or did the maze generate this way? I really need to know this, since I try to improve the world generation as far as I can!

A very nice game, I solved all the puzzles and made it to the end.

I enjoyed playing it and the plot twist was great. Monty is a funny character.

great platformer game, design and audio very well executed. i appreciate the fact that the game is actually challenging and not too easy like many other games. i also love the different types of enemies (the enemy which doesnt move and shoots you from a distance is the most annoying one lol) had much fun and a great time :D

I also found a bug: when you clear a stage and go inside a door you can press E multiple times and skip a few stages ^^

made it to the boss ;)

The best Monty Hall game I've seen so far. I had fun playing it.

Once I got the hang of it, it was fun to play.

What a hard game! We need more of these kinds of games!!!

Also I'd really like to see a tutorial which explains what everything does a bit more clear - maybe even interactively?? - I know its hard in the short time but I think for these kind of games its necessary.

But in general I like it! The vibe is awesome!

I enjoyed playing your game and I'm really glad that someone interpreted the theme as this memorizing concept! I had a similar idea myself but than did something else. :)

Since you asked for feedback I'll give my best provide some:

  • First of all: Great thumbnail! We all know that when it comes to publishing games, marketing is maybe even more important than the game itself. So great job here! I really can see this thumbnail beeing used as a YT-Vid-Thumbnail or something lol.
  • The game is about memorizing and comparing two pictures essenially. But you've managed to combine the gameplay with a story! This is how it always should be in polished games! Awesome!
  • As a gamedeveloper we always want our game to be user-friendly, meaning a user should always know what to do. You added a tutorial in the start explaining which doors do what. But one forgets it pretty fast. On the second floor I was already like "ok which door was for similar again?" - And I don't think its just me. I think you should add signs above the two doors on each floor so noone gets confused again!
  • Great Job on the animation! I love how Zach carries his little briefcase back and forth!
  • In terms of game-progression: I'm not quite sure, but I think the dificulty of a floor does not correlate with its number right? This is something that could be improved! Meaning on the first floors the changes are obvious - they are many of them etc. and on the last floor there is only one little change, like adding a pencil (maybe even on the carpet so its harder to see)
  • I can't see why you said your music "sucked" - I think it fits the vibe of the game perfectly!
  • It's a good thing to add a joke at the end, like the one with "don't pet my cats!!!" - This leaves the user with a laughter, so a good impression is left! awesome! (Also I totally tried to pet them - but you put an invisible border there.
  • Last thing: It's a bit weird that you respawn on first floor after beating the game... It would be better to return to the main-menu maybe, or to see a victory-screen, maybe where zach sits in the background starting his new job. idk.

Hope the feedback was helpful!

I love that you put so much detailing in so small things most people would skip. e.g. I enjoyed readnig the secret document about the SCP-XXXX - This is where the vibes really kicked in! Time even loops here you say? Yap - made it to the secret document 4 times, thinking there is a way I can progress further xD

Awesome game! No game in this gamejam could create such an intense athmosphere as that one yet!

I really enjoyed playing your game (Even though I upgraded the speed so much, i died because I kept running into traps xD)! 

I love that you made these animations soo detailed! Especially the one where the mouse crawls under the door gave me a smile! Great Job!

I mean its kinda impossible to do anything the first try since you first have to learn where everything is. But its still a nice idea.

Also I want to point out that you've got an awesome thumbnail for your game! These marketing-tricks most of the time turn out to be the most important once to get view and ratings!!! Great Job!

Fun game!

But I think it needs rebalancing! It went from ez to impossible after two doors! (from door 20 to 22 or something). But other than that it was fun!

There was one thing that was annoying - After EVERY Boss one has to press on the door. And after EVERY SINGLE ONE I forgot to and waitedl like an idiot ... but maybe its just on me xD

maybe you could have added a "skip tutorial" button or something like that. But from my experience almost noone clicks on tutorial so you as a developer has to force them to watch it, by showing it after they hit play!

Such a cute design!!! Loved it!

One thing I'd change is, setting the x-velocity to zero if player is in air and doesn't press any keys (this killed me so many times.

I loved the way you interpreted the theme with the door! I think your concept would allow for sooo many fun puzzles!

I just finished the game and found a funny bug:

I managed to trap myself in level 5, by throwing a cube through an unlit portal onto the button - the portal then lit and I couldn't escape anymore! Since the portal was on I could only wander between two rooms with nothing but the (locked) exit! xD

The Tutorial was helpful LOL.

You should have shown it though whenever one presses play. If I had not read it beforehand - bye bye me :/

(I managed to forget the combination anyway after the second stage and ragequitted - sorryyyyyy)

But I actually did enjoy it! I just love the castle-vibe and the design!

Couldnt find the flint for a while, but still managed to beat it!

I really enjoyed your game! And the plottwist in the end gave me a big laughter! xD

very cool graphics, especially the flashlight glow ;)

unique idea, very cool design ;) also the people flying away after they die is hilarious :D

very cool graphics and physic animations ;)

best game i've played so far! very well made and also very interesting to play, altough it got very difficult in the end. i passed all levels and had a great time ;)

(1 edit)

one of my fav games! the beginning was unexpected but very cool, overall the whole game is very well made ;)

well made platformer game, great idea with the dimensions :)

I'm sorry to hear, that you couldn't enjoy our game like we designed it :(
But I'm glad you still liked the concept!

There should be no bugs in the placement-system. If the engine did not allow you to place a tile there is a reason for this! There are certain criteria for tile-placement:

  • You have to be next to where you want to place
  • The tile should match all (non-empty) tiles around it:
    • No Tunnels leading into rocks
    • the tile has to connect to ALL incoming tunnels, for each tunnel next to it.
    • If a tunnel passes next to the tile you want to place on, but has no open connection to it, the tunnel you want to dig CANNOT lead into this tile!
    • And (obviously) the tile needs a connection to the tile you currently stand on.

Thanks for your comment!

one of the best games so far! i love the concept of the illusion doors, also great graphics. chamber 4 took me 435s lol

After the girl woke up in the middle of the night it reminded me strongly of  the beginning of The Last Of Us xD
Very unique submission. I love the atmosphere and the design ;) 

great game, only bad thing is that it ended ;) love the stats at the end :D

Love the atmosphere and design. fun experience ;) 

Won't be surprised if this game wins the Jam - It addicts so much!!! But I just couldn't collect 5000 Souls!!! Its actually hard!

Yes Spawns and Speed are randomized - But in the first levels it should be manageble: If you get a pretty fast mob, the total amount of ships and monsters existining in one moment of time is kept small and vice versa.

In later stages both these numbers rise obviously!

Glad you liked the game! :D