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Trying to incorporate a narrative into a game jam game is always a hefty task, and I think this game pulled it off well. I like the meta-glitch aesthetic, which provided a satisfyingly unnerving atmosphere during the first half of the game!

Mechanically, I also think it was adequate. The controls were fine, and the variety in the platforming challenges is always appreciated. My biggest complaint on that end is how it left me wanting to play a lot more! The new platform types were properly introduced, and I was hoping to experience full levels with them, but the game ended fairly soon after. It's understandable though, as this is a game jam.

Good game overall!

Thanks for playing and the feedback! You're right with levels. I sure planned to make more levels that would still push the story forward as well as the platforming but I decided there was not enough time for that. I might update the game in near future though. Thanks for the comment anyway :)