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A member registered Oct 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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The cinematics were impressive. The camera angles, 3D models, and timing between the messages made me feel like I was watching a movie, haha!

With that said, it felt a little slow. The rate at which the messages appeared was realistic, as though they were actually being typed out by a human being, but I found myself reading the messages tremendously faster than they were being displayed, so I ended up spending a lot of time just waiting for the next messages to appear.

Overall, though, I did enjoy the experience!

I really like the art style and music, it reminded me of those old MMOs from the 2000's, like Endless Online and Ultima Online, haha.

The idea of playing as two characters at the same time was really interesting! I wish the mouse was utilized for more things, but I do understand that it's hard to squeeze content into a jam as it is. Overall, I liked it!

My highscore was 71.42 meters :)

I think I would have had a better time trying to beat that if the camera was zoomed out slightly, and if the obstacles were already placed by the time I reached them travelling upwards, rather than them occasionally spawning on top of me.

With that said, I do understand the difficulty in producing something procedurally generated within the short timeframe of the jam. Overall, I liked it!

I'm exceptionally impressed with the quality of this interactive novel. This is a lot of art and functionality for only a week! I'm a sucker for showing over telling, so I found the story to be very charming.

I think there was tremendous potential for implementing sections that featured more prominent raw gameplay; the part where you have to click really fast to damage the bird more than it outheals your damage is an example of something I'd love to have seen more of. But, I do understand that making everything jank-free was more important for this experience to work. And at the end, it did work very well!

Love the chaos. Frantically dodging and weaving through the enemy bullets while trying to parse what's going on in the background put a big grin on my face.

I think I would have liked the game more if you could hold down click to fire. Manually clicking does bring about it's own gameplay nuance, in that investing the effort to click faster does provide a reward to the player, but overall I'd have prefered a static firerate that was automatic. Also, while the music was very good, I think it was a bit loud.

But overall, I liked this one a lot!

The aesthetics are really well done! I'm really impressed by how much was done in the week long period for this game. Just navigating through the menus was fun in and of itself.

I got a lump of coal on my first playthrough because I didn't know the keywords were supposed to be clicked on, haha. I was using Enter to scroll through the chat, and I thought those blue keywords were just things I had to commit to memory that I'd be quizzed on later.

I played it properly the second time through, though! I like the idea of interpreting the character's text and strategically choosing when best to click on the keyword. Unfortunately, the game crashed when I clicked on two keywords one after another. But I liked what I saw while I was playing!

I actually kinda like the idea of a 3D platformer where the platforms don't have discernible outlines! It made me approach traversing the level with a different mindset. Manipulating the camera to best assess whether or not something was above or below me, and then enacting on my plan to jump up or down to the platform, felt pretty good.

One thing I'd advocate for doing if time is extremely limited during a gamejam would be to very quickly slap text at the top left of the screen that explicitly states the controls for the game. I'd imagine it'd take no time at all to do, and I think it improves the experience a lot when I don't have to look at the jam page itself for the controls. With that said, I hope y'all learned a lot about Godot during the jam!!

This game integrated the theme really well! I like the idea behind it being an auto-battler. I would have loved to have the slightest bit of player interactivity after initiating a dungeon run, though. Something as simple as being able to click on an enemy to damage them once every ten seconds or so would have been nice; something more complex like being able to drop a bomb that knocks all enemies back would have been even nicer. That would have been difficult to tie into the theme, though, and I suppose it goes against the spirit of an auto-battler, so I understand why it wasn't done.

(1 edit)

My lowest score was -1556!

The graphics and music were quite nice, but otherwise it didn't feel that great to play. I might have completely glossed over the correct way to play the game, but it felt like the only way to approach combat was to dash backwards a bunch and shoot arrows at the melee units that ran towards you. Getting to the ranged units made it somewhat tedious dashing around and poking them with arrows one by one. Using the player's melee attack felt like a death sentence.

I do think a single change could have made this game really engaging to play, though; if the arrows you shot went in the direction your camera was pointing rather than the direction your character was facing, I think there could have been a very satisfying combat system involving dashing around enemies while shooting arrows at them. Particularly with the ranged units, the game could have been centered around avoiding their arrows while making sure yours land.

Wow, this game was phenomenal. The detail in the art, music, and animations are all incredible, and the gameplay loop of getting from one side of the screen to the other is satisfying. Once I saw the ending, I figured there was a pacifist ending, which I really tried for. Preventing slimes from falling off the edge, however, proved to be quite difficult. The later levels were also incredibly difficult to do without killing slimes. I wish I could have seen what the ending was like for not killing any slimes, but it was too difficult for me. Not that that's a bad thing!

One criticism I can think of (and I'm really scrounging for something to say here) is that the platforming controls feel a bit bad. Specifically, if there was maybe a quarter of a second of time after leaving a ledge in which the player is still able to jump, I think the game would have felt a LOT better to play.

The only other thing I can think of is that I didn't really understand the purpose of the coins. I felt inclined to avoid them because the pink slime told me to collect them, but some of the coins were placed in places that forced you to pick them up. As such, I went the rest of the game disregarding them entirely, neither avoiding them nor seeking them out, and they didn't appear to change the ending. Were they intended to incentivize players to kill slimes in order to collect them?

Overall, phenomenal game. This is easily one of my favorite entries I've played thus far!!!

It's alright. Given how fast the player is able to move and how floaty their jumps are, I definitely feel like the camera could have been pulled back a bit and the levels could have put less focus on precision platforming and more on large leaps and bounds to create a more satisfying experience.

With that said, I did put quite a bit of time into the game and I had a good time!

I really liked this one! The platforming backend felt rock-solid, and the magic stuff played off of eachother to create satisfying puzzles to complete.

The prime feedback I'd like to give is that I didn't find the non-puzzle elements particularly enjoyable. Starting over after being hit by a turret, or falling into a pit that I couldn't get out of forcing me to restart the level, didn't add anything to the experience for me. Avoiding those obstacles felt moreso annoying than it did satisfying.

I also don't think the tutorialization of how the player is able to jump after moving off a ledge was done well; unless I completely missed something, it seemed like the level in which that mechanic was necessary to complete put you into a pit that you can't get out of if you fail to realize that you can do that, which was kinda annoying.

All that said, given that you started late and that this was your first jam, I really really liked it! I put much more time into this one than I do on average with other submissions.

I do appreciate games that go the extra mile to include cooperative elements into their submissions! The central mechanic of parsing the text felt innovative; while it's not my cup of tea, I definitely think it'll appeal to the players that enjoy the mental effort it takes to keep tabs on everything within the game.

I greatly appreciate the in-depth critique! We're really interested in revisiting the idea after the jam and improving upon it for potentially a full game, so feedback like this is extremely helpful.

The bug with the character not moving out of the doorway was unfortunately a bug we discovered after release; if the character is currently paused and the restart button is used, we neglected to properly set some of the flags in the character. This causes them to not leave the doorway upon the first time the play button is pressed; however, if the game is subsequently paused and played again, the character will start moving. I'm sorry to hear that you had to restart the webpage entirely, I'm sure that was fairly annoying.

As for the second bug, we never encountered that in our playtesting, so again I'm sorry to hear that you encountered that :(

We tried to address the convenience of re-placing arrows by letting players pick up already placed arrows and move them around; perhaps it stopped working when you played? 

Lastly, we did try to design the tutorial to be as hands-off as possible; the first level was intended to provide a safe space for the player to learn what all the UI buttons do, how to place arrows, and also hopefully teach that allowing the character to see a pot is bad, and that the line of sight to a pot can be broken by rocks. We tried similar hands-off approaches to tutorializing the other aspects of the game, such as the level where you're forced to pick up the ladder to cross the one-block-wide gap, thereby teaching the player that that's what the ladder does.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game regardless! Again the feedback is incredibly appreciated, thank you for taking the time to articulate it.

The polish is great! Both the art and sound design are on point. The controls are tight, and the physics make the game fun to move around in. For the life of me I could not figure out how to get past the chests, though; I very likely missed the tutorialization on how to deal with them, but it prevented me from seeing more of the game, which was really saddening :(

This game is an enigma, and I kinda love it. The game title is called Bob's Adventure, the file name is called BearAttack.exe, it throws you into a bullet hell, and then throws you into a top-down perspective. I was unable to solve the three cave puzzle, but I really wish I could have so I could see what else the game had in store.

Trying to incorporate a narrative into a game jam game is always a hefty task, and I think this game pulled it off well. I like the meta-glitch aesthetic, which provided a satisfyingly unnerving atmosphere during the first half of the game!

Mechanically, I also think it was adequate. The controls were fine, and the variety in the platforming challenges is always appreciated. My biggest complaint on that end is how it left me wanting to play a lot more! The new platform types were properly introduced, and I was hoping to experience full levels with them, but the game ended fairly soon after. It's understandable though, as this is a game jam.

Good game overall!

I love the teleportation mechanic; that's something I haven't really seen done in a platformer before, and I would have loved to see the levels designed around that mechanic! My only real criticism of the game is that the physics felt a bit awkward. The player had a lot of inertia, which made me misjudge a lot of my jumps. Otherwise I really enjoyed it!

The game feels exceptional to play. I'm extremely impressed by all of the small details; the way it has a small animation when stopping its movement, the small animation for when it transitions from ascending during a jump to descending during a jump, the fact that it can't jump at all when inside a two-tile high space; all of it adds up to make the game feel INCREDIBLE to play!

I'd hate to be a broken record, but I do agree with everyone else that the lack of checkpoints does not compliment the trial-and-error punishment design.

(1 edit)

The core concept is really addicting; there's a really satisfying flow to getting multiple correct in a row very fast. That being said, having to wait for a bit because of a "Press Anything!" prompt was a little annoying. Other than that, this was a great game! I appreciate that you took the effort to include both a story mode and an endless mode.

The polish in the game is EXCEPTIONAL! It feels incredible to move around and shoot the guns, and the art style and music are on point. I chuckled when I shot the tutorial person and the music instantly cut to silence; I adore little details like that.

The gameplay loop was fun, but once you realize what the enemy AI is, it becomes a little easy. I know you can't have them just shoot you the moment they can see you, so I suppose the current implementation was a decent compromise.

went to hell :( i missed some of the important clues

Absolutely phenomenal game; the gameplay loop is satisfying, the graphics are appealing, and competing for the highscore on each arena is very addicting! When I first saw this I thought it was just going to be a one-off joke game, but this was a genuinely great experience.

God this music is going to be stuck in my head all day, it's so catchy

This game was SOLID. The physics and tight controls make it great to move around, and each mechanic is properly tutorialized in such a way that there's a satisfying climb in difficulty as the game progresses!

I enjoyed it a lot! The ending really got me :)

Lovely art! I liked all the monster designs a lot

Being able to name your sheep was such a nice feature

Ahh, alright. Thanks!

I know we can't use Asset Store stuff, but I wasn't sure if Text Mesh Pro was considered an Asset Store thing, since you can import it directly within Unity. Thanks!