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Where is the save file located? I had to reset Windows and don't know where to look for the save if it is still there someplace on my PC. I see a Windows.old folder and was hoping it might be there. Thanks.


I'm not certain a save file survives a windows reset. You can ask this same question on discord, others might have a more exact answer. 

But I believe it is under user, documents, app data, by default.

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Application Data\RenPy\game_directory


no when you have to reboot windows you lose all saved game data i had to deal with my harddrive having issues and had to redo the whole game 

D: That's awful

my hard drive got corrupted or something happened to it i had to get a new one  

Just an FYI: If you reset and select save your programs it makes a windows.old folder where the app data is.