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Thanks for the feedback, even though you're not a big fan of puzzles. This one I agree is can be confusing, and that's why I made the post, I wanted to know if people were getting stuck on it or if it detracted from their enjoyment of chapter one.

The thing about it is that each time you pick a wrong locker, your potential husbando Emerson will start helping more and more. And this is my opinion, but that is a fun way to do it. Not succeeding has no negative consequence - on the contrary, you get more interaction with Emerson, and despite him being on the down right now, when he gets to help out, his naturally caring disposition gets to shine through. You'll see a bit of his true self, and there's some playful banter. So, in your case my advice would be: Don't feel like it means anything to get the locker right. Enjoy receiving help from a charming dragon?

Or if you want the solution, send me a DM on FA or Twitter, and I will tell you where I don't spoil it for anyone else :)

thanks! Yeah, i got It both ways:  untill Emerson basicaly Tells you and Frist off. Its a Nice mechanic. Just finished the corrente build. I Will say, this is more than awesome. Its hard to compare It to anything, só its awesome and unique!

I do want more tho. Looking forward to It.

I'm glad you're liking it so far and that you are enjoying the art. I agree - Kartos, Dave Canine and BitterStrawberries did a kickass job with it :)

now, Just between us here: I do Hope your group gets to finish this gorgeous project.

You know.... The overwhelming majority of fvns wont be completed. Like... At all. There are a few exceptions due to Scope being large (not mentioning names on the fórum, but we can talk privately If youd like) so It could take half a decade, but most of them lose steam, suffer from feature creep or both.

Im aware this went way offtopic. But It goes to show, at least in my humble opinion, that your project can be the next best thing on the genre. Ill wait the story to get more "body" untill i write a Very lenghy Review.


Yep, I've read many VNs and I see that many are abandoned in development. They take a lot of time, and it's easy to underestimate how friggin much work they are. Feature creep is a real danger - I've added a lot of stuff that wasn't intended in the start. Luckily, I've also cut quite a few too that I don't feel add enough value. Galleries and such, I would not spend much time on them as a player myself, so I think people are fine without them. But yeah, I'll keep chipping away at my project :)


Good editing skills are major here.