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I feel like I don't know how to really put into words how Under the Stars has really got through to me but I will try. 

This story is beautifully written and I love how thought-provoking the messages are especially for anyone who feels out of place where they currently are at in life. Dulari is a character you can't help but empathize with and root for as she worries about turning another year older and even closer to becoming queen. 

The two main routes address various aspects of what the core of these worries are and we see how Dulari comes to embrace who she is and her situation in general by the time they end. I like that Dulari has good friendships with Ezekiel and Leon and strong support from them also! (I happy cry because of their relationships -- ok??? T_T) . I liked the order I ended up playing these routes (Ezekiel's route then Leon's) as it seemed that there was more backstory that contributed to the overall story in Leon's route than Ezekiel's (so I personally would play in that order again). 

The secret route was also just intriguing and had a shift in the theme/message of the story while still contributing to theme of loneliness and how to reach out to connect with people in little ways. I love this route a lot!

Anywho, all I know now is that I'm rooting for the characters (though maybe not a certain king lol) and particularly Dulari. I feel like that after you play this game that you can't help but continue to root for her and hope that all the best happens in her life. I also feel like this story is just a nice reminder to find the people who get you and don't be too hard on yourself <3 <3 (helen, this game is wonderful -- I am happy that I could experience such a lovely story!)

The art and visual aspects of the game are so cool too so another reason to  play this game ASAP if are not yet convinced for some reason :) 

(1 edit)

ahhhhhhhhhhh thank you very much for your comment!!!

i wrote uts out of my own worries of feeling out of place and i'm really really glad people empathize with it!! dulari is an anxious little thing and seeing people validating her emotions feels relieving in a way. she's not alone!! :''))

kjnfksdnfs their friendships are lovely *loud sob* my kids......... (oh, i believe someone also commented on that route order! very fitting indeed)

awwwww i'm glad you liked them so much, really!! this story means very much to me! (lmaoo i also love the hate consensus on saruva) it was cathartic to let those feelings of worry out, but also to write a nice ending to it. i feel like writing can shape the way you see stuff in your life and uts definitely helped me be a bit nicer to myself AND helped me to find many wonderful people!! def a win-win situation!!

i'm very happy this story was a good experience to you!!!! it means the world to me!!!!!

thank you for your lovely comment (again) and see you soon!! ^_^