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So...What you're saying is that this is just ANOTHER generic AVN?

I think that I've played close to 300 of them by now, and there were MAYBE 5 of them where the MC wasn't a whiny, sniveling simp afraid of his own penis, and all too willing to be steamrolled by every single woman, girl, boy, dog, and donkey that they encounter.

I guess that it's what you get when a generation of incels taught "morality" by Twitch THOT's and militant lesbians turn to game development.


*Me silently snickering*

I am starting to realize that you might be right. My collection of games to stay away from grows much faster than my collection of recommended games.


For sure. I've been gaming since the Atari 2600. In all those years 3 mainstream devs have found their way onto my "fuck off" list. In less than two years, at least 50 porn game devs have found their way onto it.