Some nice puzzles here! My only real complaint is that you had to wait for the animations of all of the enemies before you could move again, making it slow to point of being frustrating in the later levels. I’m assuming it’s that way so that the enemies can definitively determine whether their movement is safe, but especially given that each enemy’s next move is clearly marked, they could detect that coming collision and either both turn around or have their “order” determine who wins. On the last level I had something like 19 moves left at the end and I think it would because I was able to block three enemies in the top-left corner of the last room, I think largely due to their movement order. Maybe that was intentional shortcut, but it felt more like a bug, especially since I don’t recall the game every calling out the order as something I should be paying attention to. I only really noticed it because I was trying to figure out when moving got so slow.
Don’t get me wrong, though, this was a great little game, I think you figured out some nice consequences of the mechanics and put together levels that helped show them off. Nicely done!