Hey Parcels, Please Team!
First off, I loved your art style and the feel and approach of your game. Very enjoyable and I can't wait to see the final release, but I had some problems when playing and I will share my main two concerns with you all below.
Screen Formatting (Build Settings)
I know Nathion said some stuff about this, but I am one of those people with crazy ultra-wide monitors, so let me tell yea I saw stuff that I am about 99.99% sure I was not meant to see. This means I saw way beyond where you intended the player to see, I saw past your cover belts and everything, It also formatted to cutscenes strangely and cut things off. It is very important that you do a fixed build resolution for your final release, otherwise, I can't enjoy the game.
Box Problems
Last major note, it was VERY hard to work with the boxes, I struggled to click on them and move them around after opening them. I could never win the game because it was so hard to "manipulate" the boxes after opening them. Are you using a single prefab for the boxes? I would suggest having several so you could have more unique hitboxes for each box art style.