All typos/bugs reported have been fixed in
- The 'Buffer' might be more suited as a 4th DPS multiplier after 'Data sorting' software.
- Number rounding could indicate incorrect number presentation. I will investigate further to understand why such discrepancies occurred. It might be related to the text-level representation or the actual numerical values themselves. This will take time.
- Regarding Hibernation affecting sessions, actually, I did not think about it! 😄 I'm not sure whether I should keep it like this or change it!
- Regarding the lack of plurals in Hardware achievements, hardware is treated as a unit in that context, thus, they should not be changed to their plural form.
- I liked the idea about adding a new page detected to your previous format information. I will also consider whether I should split 'session' information or not! Anyway, a 'session' starts when loading a file and ends when closed, so I am not sure if I should make it more complex and divide it further, like before hibernate/after hibernate, before format/after format!! Anyway, this requires careful consideration.