Can't wait to see your default characters side by side like I edited here. I'm not sure how accurate this is but I lined them up and unless Jade shrinks down a bit more, her model at max size is taller than Gina. But shorter than Stella.
However, Gina and Jade are the same height if Jade is one size smaller. So lvl 3 jade = lvl 4 Gina in height. But lvl 4 Jade actually gets taller than lvl 4 Gina since Gina doesn't get taller. It's also crazy how drastically shorter Jade's old model looks in comparison. In conclusion, I think for now at least at the end of the Xici's lab arc Jade should end around lvl 3 vs lvl 4. Or somewhere in between like lvl 3.5 or something. Would be awkward to see her taller than Gina.