Loved it!!! It found it a little bit hard (playing on laptop with no mouse unfortunately), but super enjoyable. I like getting the new powers one at a time, so you understand what each of them does. The art style fits the game very well. I looved how you designed the death zone, as in the lemons are "falling into the pie" or "falling into the grater". This is sooo much better than just having a dark void where the lemons fall to. It makes their death a little bit fun!
The audio and art are very well designed, congrats on that!
I do have to mention that there are some UI problems. For example before starting, I couldn't really see what keys each power used, though thankfully the game shows them while playing. But mostly the issue is when you finish the level. The texts overlap each other and it's difficult to read, and it doesn't look that good!
Congrats on the submission <3