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This is kinda hard to say, but uh, can we get the option to change the blue-haired asshat's name? It kinda bugs me for personal reasons.

His name is kind of set at this point in the story, however in the next update on my patreon, I've completed Lily's story and something really "interesting" happens to this character/name in the next update. 

Hmmmmmmmmmm... R63?

That's right, it's something along those lines.

Well, whether it's outright R63 or even feminization, I'm down with that. That aside, the art so far is pretty good. You do that yourself, or do you have a dedicated artist?

Besides the core music, which I don't have time to do/learn and outsourced, everything else in this game like art, programming, etc is done by me.

Oof, programming too? Respect.

It was challenging in the beginning, but fun to do.