Hermione from Harry Potter. Now I have to imagine her voice narrating the lines when playing this. :)
Kids can be cruel no matter what, but I want to say I sorta adore that 'posh' sounding accent. It sounds sophisticated and cultured (well, at least depending on what's being said). It sounds more as if those stupid kids making fun of you were jealous of you for sounding better than they do.
I'm glad you put so much time and effort into your work. I fully support you wanting to use AI voice acting in any work be it now or in the future, be it AI-assisted voice acting like what you did here or full on 'type in the script and let them read it' stuff.
I personally feel it might be better to lean on AI if you aren't able to pay the workers properly. You being indie and non-profit (basically) means nobody can really hold it against you for wanting to do it that way.
Whatever you decide, kudos and thanks for sharing this post!