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Wow, I'm blown away by your detailed comment!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write a complete review and all the detailed feedback to the different mechanics!

You're very right about the end, it was the last thing I tried to polish by adding the fireworks animation and showing the credits screen, but it would've deserved an intro screen like level of love as well. I will focus more on that in the next game jam!

The mix of rage and horny is probably not the best for the horny rating, I agree! This game was an idea from over 15 years ago that I never tried because of lack of programming skills and now I was so excited that there was a game jam that was NSFW with a fantasy theme that motivated me to get it on. So maybe next time I should spend a few hours to balance out the different aspects to better suit the actual theme.

My level design skills really suck. It's my first published game at all and I'm absolutely thankful for the input about the gem placement and different level sections! I let my brother test play it for a few minutes and played it myself a lot of course, but he's a dark souls fanatic masochist and I'm, well, the developer xD so maybe next time I should also invest a few hours or even better, team up with someone to deliver a greater experience.

The keyboard delay was something I noticed myself, but I didn't have the time to investigate it.. time was just too short to go beyond a superficial debugging and fixing of obvious bugs in the gameplay :/

I love your positive feedback regarding the intro scene, overall concept and the undressing game! It is very well appreciated and I hope I can participate in more game jams in the future :)