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how do combo and what are the diffrent moves you can do

you can combo by landing hits after eachother fast enough that the opponent can't escape.

there are a bunch of attacks and you can view them all in the "GUIDE" section, but the most important ones are:

punch : press the attack button (SPACE for p1, keypad ENTER for p2) without walking or crouching.

kick : press attack while walking

roll attack : press attack while running. you can run by double tapping the walk buttons

uppercut : press attack and jump at the same time. The timing may be a little strict at first, but it shouldn't be too hard. (you can't uppercut while running)

air kick : press attack while in the air

most combos are pretty hard to time, but you don't need to combo to deal a lot of damage and make it hard for your opponent to escape, so don't worry too much if you don't time your attacks perfectly. an opponent can only escape if you launch them too far away, they parry in time (which requires precise timing), or they attack themselves (the attacker almost always has more time for a second hit than the defender). that being said, here are some combos:

punch > punch > punch ... (continue as long as they are in range, try not to mash the button, but to time your punches)

punch > kick

punch > uppercut (works only if you're standing close)

uppercut > uppercut (works best if you're standing under a platform, in a corner or the opponent can't get out of the air)

crouching punch > kick

punch > crouching punch > uppercut (while in the corner)

air kick > basically anything (punch, kick, crouching punch, uppercut)

if your opponent is attacking you a lot, you can press the parry button. when you parry, your enemy will be stunned for a short while which allows you to start your own combos.

making good combos is all about knowing how your attacks flow into eachother. The combos I just listed are not all of them and you can mix and match attacks to see what works best.

try to keep your offense going if you think you're in an advantage, even if it's not a "real" combo. strings of seperate attacks are also good for damage. use the terrain to your advantage, such as by using platforms to land early after an uppercut, or by cornering an opponent, which makes it hard to escape from your punches and kicks.

have fun!

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you I can beat my friends ass now but I am still in school while writing this so ill have to wait I guess