i only barely made it, but i sure made it!! i think i'll play through some of the other submissions along with my cowriter this weekend and see what kinds of cool things everyone else made!
there are a LOT of things that ended up very different from my initial draft for the game, but i think it actually made the game a lot stronger emotionally, even if i lost out on some of the symmetry i had planned for. it's been a long time since i wrote something by myself instead of as the game of literary tennis that roleplaying is, so having people to consult on the plot details is probably the one thing that saved me from flunking out.
now if only i had the time to make a cover illustration during the jam... or the energy to do it now. post-jam burnout is REAL and its PAINFUL. i think i'll make some sort of "graphic design is my passion" tier image at the very least until i can figure something else out. hopefully by the time i make the full release theres going to be something to catch the eye of a potential player :D