As a competitive person it got me trying to beat the game for about 45 minutes :D
But the 4th group is impossible for me.
Would be nice to play some more easier levels and get better cards before facing harder enemies
I guess this is a balance thing that is hard to do well in generall and especially in 7 days.
I think randomized card effects are a cool and interesting idea that explored a little more would give amazing results.
But also can give strange/confusing cards like epic molten armor from your screen for example. (or I dont understand that card :D)
But also it can give some really nice combos like scorch 3x and upgraded breath fire - tons of heal!
Love the attention to detail like changing 'Card Target' to an actuall target when using the card.
Appreciate the 'Faster' option :D
Even tho the art and sound wasnt made by you it fits very well.
Solid entry, good job!