Played up to Tight, some remarks:
- First time I loaded a level (circle) the loading took very long loading and it was just a black screen with only the right bar working. Exiting the level and re-entering fixed everything.
- A bit of stutter when first running the train, probably some shader stuff. It's on web, so is to be expected.
- While the mouse snapping is intuitive, I'd like a button to manually rotate tracks since that can be quite finicky when zoomed out too far.
- When ending the second level, the train did the full track, then reversed and did the full track again. It did so again in all next levels, so I assume it's by design.
- Audio please? Some snapping sounds are vital.
- What does the "place all pieces" button even do? It's always grayed out.
- Very nice level with four crosses.
- Make the grid unlimited to all places please, very annoying on the level with the four crosses.
- Otherwise, let me select and move all pieces together.
- A Reset button would be nice.
- Ended with finishing Tight. I find those splitting tracks hard to reason about, until I found out that it doesn't matter how the train enters and exits.
Fun game, could probably turn into a decent puzzler though it's lacking QoL stuff right now.