so, this would be A While from now – my current project is rating all the Strawberry Jam 8 games, I’m not going back to tinkering with my own gamedev until that’s done – but would you be comfortable with the idea of a mod of themed around your dronekink setting?
with my lack of sprite art skills the core game mechanics would be the same (but the player-character orca would get a visor), the color scheme would be modified, and the text would be completely 100% rewritten as the recently-uplifted player’s “orientation program”to their new role in CAT.
like the original version of Vacation, this would be actual hypnosis. your game writing makes me want cozy dronekink zonk scenes, which is not the traditional vibe of dronekink, so if I want that experience it looks like I’ll have to write it myself! so, in the future when I’m not busy trying to review everyone’s game jam games (yours is in the queue somewhere!), would it be okay with you if I dug into this?