This is really cute. I didn't think I'd ever see a VN for the Picotron of all things, but it makes for a really nice and consistent aesthetic. The interview system is fun, that adds an angle to the gameplay that VNs often lack.
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The art is beyond gorgeous. This honestly looks like a professional-quality release, and it's still impressive by that standard. Tasty writing, too - a great take on the Disco Elysium tone. Would love to see more of this, explore this strange world, and see more of the characters. (Even if I'm a bit crap at puzzles, haha.)
I have never in my life rolled a wrap that didn't immediately disintegrate. So, this was a real challenge for me.
Fun, though! I've played a few games like this before and this is a good implementation of the concept. It took me a few tries to find the "click zones" so to speak, but once I did, I was multitasking tons. I felt a little bad for the kobolds, but the cute artstyle helps a lot.
To quote my comment on your last project:
I'm in awe of the graphics here. The backgrounds are intricate and detailed, and the character art is super expressive. I would 100% read this as a graphic novel if you'd ever felt like putting one out.
This continues to be true. Your illustrations are absolutely gorgeous.
I like the gameplay too! Even if there's just the one level with no boss battle right now, this is a very solid foundation to build on, lots of stats to manage.
Oh dang, I haven't touched FreeCell in a good 10 years. I do not remember how to play this game well.
It's a neat project! The character animation really does work well, it's just the right mix of horny and toony and goofy. So I think I'd say goal achieved there, haha.
Thanks for including a Linux build! Seems to work fine on Xubuntu 24.04.2.
Strong aesthetics in this one! The channel system adds an interesting complication to the battle, and it's very visually striking. I like it a bunch, I could definitely imagine a bigger RPG built around these mechanics. As the other comments have noted, a tutorial would be nice if you want to keep working on this, but I was able to get the hang of it with a little trial and error.
Also, thanks for including a Linux build! 🐧
Fun game! The candle system is a really interesting take on the "card battler" genre, and one I haven't seen before. Moves can be re-used a limited number of times before they rotate out, so you can plan your turns, and that adds a lot. I always felt really smart when I was able to perform multiple actions in the same turn.
The puzzles (like how the heck do I break a vase?) were interesting and the solutions made sense once I thought of them, so excellent job on these. I initially found it odd that the ghost can't pass through occupied spaces, but once I got a better feeling for the gameplay, it made perfect sense. Blocking spaces is sort of the point, after all! I did struggle with the interface a little, and it initially took me a few tries to "hit" the UI elements, but it was intuitive enough once I figured it out. An indicator of when the cursor is over something interactive would've helped me personally, I think.
Really fun art style too. Just the right combination of silly and lewd. The candles really made me grin once I saw what they were. And, well, why not put a butt on a snake?
Thanks for including a Linux build. 🐧 I ended up playing the hotfixed Windows version, because it was submitted really close to the deadline and the jam allows fixes for game-breaking bugs anyway. Sorry to hear about the tech issues, but I'm glad to see you were able to get the game published anyway, it's really neat.
Neat! It took me a second to figure out how the controls work in the hypnosis section, but once I did it made sense. (Click to change the direction in which the active receptor moves, jiggle your mouse to switch receptors, align them with the floating symbols.) That makes you follow the spiral with your eyes, which is fun. Also enjoyed the design, yes.
Also, thanks for including a Linux build. 🐧
Ah yes, I see the problem. It's specific to buying LP for EXP, the flag doesn't get checked by the reset. I've pushed another quick fix (v0.3.7) since that's a fairly big problem, it shouldn't happen on new runs of the game.
The savegame system is a bit janky, I'll look into that one. I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible for state to be retained.
Thank you! I always love hearing from people who enjoy these little games, especially if it helps them become good drones. I'm willing to accept blame for that, haha. <3
I wouldn't say the science twink ending is more canon as such, but it does admittedly tie in with the core plot a little better. (And I do have to admit those are low-key my favourites as well. ⚗️)
This is because of a last-minute rewrite - there was originally going to be a bit more reactivity in the bunker, with the three different types of drones getting multiple unique scenes, but this didn't quite work out the way I wanted to. So I ended up building the ending around the scenes I was happiest with, and those scenes were indeed taken from the IRL path. (The other branches were originally going to be about rallying the people into overthrowing the villain, and more direct confrontation, respectively.)
Definitely something I'm gonna have to get back to in another game, the lack of robot kissability is a big oversight!
Hey hey! First of all, thank you for the kind words, good drone. I always love hearing from those who enjoy the games (even the ones that are rather rough around the edges.)
And sure, go right ahead on the fanfic. I'd love to see it when you post it, because it's great to see what people can come up with.
As for a remaster, or maybe another game along these lines... maybe! I ended up taking the series in a different direction, because it can be a bit difficult to make the more spicy types of dronekink work. Difficult to strike the right tone. But I never say never. There's something to be said for an unstoppable overwhelming force of Benevolence.
Oh, and as a post-script, here's one more thing I forgot to mention: Charity's transformation came about as a thought I had about "corruption" kinks. It's a common enough trope, turning into a hornéd-up hell-creature of some sort. The moonsilver dragon is sort of the opposite of that, "reverse corruption" if you will - transformation into not quite an angel, but something along similar lines.
This project was quite a long time ago, so I barely remember what happens in it, haha. But looking at the source files, there's an event chain starting here if you have a Mayhem stat of 7.5 or greater. I think these only increment in whole numbers, so if you have 8+ then you can follow them to their convention.
This is a beautiful game. The characters, the backgrounds, the GUI, just a feast for the eyes. Nice variety of character designs and body types, highly expressive dialogue portraits, everything.
And the writing! I was sitting here cheering for those disaster lesbians and there friends. Just a really sweet little treat of a game.
Maybe if more offices had these sorts of amenities, people wouldn't insist on fully remote work so much. Food for thought.
This was neat! The levels were perhaps a touch on the large side, especially without a minimap, but I had fun regardless. The 2d sprites/3d environment thing is always cool, and the co-workers had interesting and varied designs. I liked the funky office pop soundtrack as well, that was cool. Would be neat to see this developed further if you want to keep with it.