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A member registered Feb 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh, and as a post-script, here's one more thing I forgot to mention: Charity's transformation came about as a thought I had about "corruption" kinks. It's a common enough trope, turning into a hornéd-up hell-creature of some sort. The moonsilver dragon is sort of the opposite of that, "reverse corruption" if you will - transformation into not quite an angel, but something along similar lines.

(1 edit)

This project was quite a long time ago, so I barely remember what happens in it, haha. But looking at the source files, there's an event chain starting here if you have a Mayhem stat of 7.5 or greater. I think these only increment in whole numbers, so if you have 8+ then you can follow them to their convention.

Not rude at all, don't worry! You're far from the first person to mention it, haha. Glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for checking it out.

Yeah, sorry about that one. I've been meaning to circle back and fix some issues (and add a way to skip the maze) for a while now. This finally pushed me to actually put a release together, so thanks for the comment, haha.


This is a beautiful game. The characters, the backgrounds, the GUI, just a feast for the eyes. Nice variety of character designs and body types, highly expressive dialogue portraits, everything.

And the writing! I was sitting here cheering for those disaster lesbians and there friends. Just a really sweet little treat of a game.

This seemed familiar to me but I couldn't quite place it. I checked, and - oh, of course, it's a continuation from last year, the submission page literally says so!

Still short but sweet, and a fun evolution of the concept. The art's good and the animations are very fluid. Nicely done.

What a sweet little experience. We're living in the vampire boyfriend renaissance and I'm here for it.

Neat concept, lovely visual style! This sort of 2.5D is always cool to see and it works very well here. Highly engaging, even for an unfinished prototype. I definitely wanted to keep going to see all the different character designs.

Maybe if more offices had these sorts of amenities, people wouldn't insist on fully remote work so much. Food for thought.

This was neat! The levels were perhaps a touch on the large side, especially without a minimap, but I had fun regardless. The 2d sprites/3d environment thing is always cool, and the co-workers had interesting and varied designs. I liked the funky office pop soundtrack as well, that was cool. Would be neat to see this developed further if you want to keep with it.

What a helpful guardian spirit! Gotta get out of Soul Crushing Cubeland. The little comic book panel illustrations are a great touch.

The menu background got a good laugh out of me, as did the dialogue leading up to the witch's battle. Nice touch. Liked the battle mechanics too, as well as the overall style of the game. It's got potential!

Intriguing! I definitely like the tech that's being demoed here, and the visual style is very promising.

This was a game I initially didn't really get, so I left it for later. Finally got around to coming back to it, and dang, I'm glad I did.

First of all, it's a fun game with a cool style. "FMVcore" is exactly right, and it simply oozes style and athmosphere. It can be a bit difficult to tell what's a control and what's decor, but some small changes (like having controls light up on mouseover) would really help. As would having some labels, I ended up having to take a screenshot of the tutorial and keeping that open in a separate window.

It took me a few tries to figure out the hypnosis part. Turns out it's "pull lever, select screens, pull lever again." Not "pull lever, select screens, wait." And the screens go by number of button, not colour. But I did figure it out in the end!

All in all, this is pretty cool. It does something neat and it's got good production values. The lack of tutorialisation might actually be part of the point, I think? When I did figure it out I definitely felt smart. Plus, hey, orcadrones. These are always nice to see, they're cute.

finally got around to playing this one just now, and dang, I'm glad I did. This is a great little game, and you've got a super solid engine for this one. Lovely character design, intersting levels, and the enemies and bosses - bosses! plural! including a big final fight! - all had varied and interesting attack patterns. Good job.

There's a handful of issues that could be touched up if you want to keep working on the engine, but it's nothing major, and this felt quite well-polished. (The range on the melee attack seemed just a touch short, and left-clicking to attack felt good but it tripped me up that the attack went in the direction where I last moved, not where I clicked. But that's really it.)

Top-tier puzzle design, some very interesting evolutions of the basic Sokoban concept in this one. Top-tier robot testing as well, it's important to be very thorough when it comes to quality assurance. One of my personal favourites for the Play and Harmony categories, because dang.

For the record, I played this one in WINE and I didn't encounter any technical issues.

It's got a dragon and you click on that dragon, just as advertised!

The idea of having multiple click zones and making you switch between them is a good one, don't remember seeing that one before. The progression could definitely use some tuning, but, well, it's an alpha release, testing out that sort of thing is why you do them. Definitely got a good concept here, I'd say.

Cute. I like the character designs and there's some fun ideas in the combat system. Always nice to see a vore game where vore isn't just a loss condition.

This is a short but sweet experience that looks great, sounds great, and plays great. I'm  impressed! This is one of titles where I'd be surprised if it doesn't win a medal in at least one category. The plot is transparently just an excuse to set up the sex burglary, but it's funny and serves its purpose.

Somehow this reminds me of playing Amiga platformers back in the day. Maybe it's the CRT effect and the bright colours combined with tasteful use of dithering, I dunno. (I'd be curious to see what this looks like without the filter.) Either way, I had a great time.

Neat! It's a fun concept and I appreciate that (ongoing! and specific!) consent is a big focus of the document. I hadn't heard of Caltrop Core before, but it seems interesting. And the idea of creating mechanical support for stripping with simple tokens is cool.

Another year, another banger! The art style is very Newgrounds circa 2007, which I do mean as a compliment, because it works very well here. And of course your character design is top shelf as always. The masks are nice and varied, and they all made both visual and mechanical sense.

I got stuck on the bunnies for a hot minute, but eventually I was able to figure it out. The puzzle design is actually pretty good! I just suck at execution, haha. (I managed to get lost on the way back from the tanuki bathhouse and had to repeat that sequence...)

Love the first-person overlays as well. Nice touch.

Cheeky writing, lewd content, surprisingly intricate design in the encounters. Very gay, very cozy, and lovely all around!

This is super interesting! It quickly gets chaotic, but that's the point of this sort of gameplay, of course. I think this is extremely promising as a prototype, and I'd love to see it developed further, with more different enemies (and avatars) and perhaps a slightly slower escalation of the difficulty and chaos of it all. There's a lot going on here!

For the record, I encountered the occasional bit of lag, which unfortunately is difficult to avoid with Godot 4 web exports. For the future I'd encourage you to offer downloadable versions as well, as these generally run more smoothly.

I feel like I couldn't really give this one a fair rating, as I don't have a VR setup and that's clearly the intended experience. I think it's a neat little stealth/puzzle game, though! Not sure how well I'd be able to handle the hopping motion in VR, but the mouse-and-keyboard variant was cute.

This was surprisingly challenging! Definitely took me a few tries to defeat those bosses and score those dates. The writing is funny, and I feel like the game's overall (deliberately ridiculous) tone really worked.

Also, there's just a lot of good game design on display here. This is a perfectly decent boss rush game! The monster girls are all unique and have predictable but still challenging patterns. The difficulty is maybe a bit on the high side, but of course that's partially the point of this sort of game.

Also, for the record, I played it in WINE on Linux and it seemed to run without issue.

Just a fun low-stakes date in the part, just two girls being pals, nothing to see here officer

This was fun, and it becomes pretty engaging, especially at the higher difficulties. The rough, sort of MS Paint-like pixel style works pretty well for this game, I feel. Good job!

Yeah sure

This is an excellent mix of science fiction and fetish writing. Sure, maybe a lot of the worldbuilding is just setup for the smut. But still, when the game said "and therefore we're sending a fox girl to boob vore the planet," the reasoning made sense to me.

Lots more branches than you usually see in a Twine game. There's actual puzzles in here, with how you're going from smaller to larger objects. Good job!

There's a handful of typos (like "confy") but nothing major, which is impressive given how much text is in here. Especially given it was all written in just a few days. 

Not currently. I was going to have multiple endings, feeding into the skill system, but I ran out of time. Maybe in the future!

What a cute pastel bunny, I bet this is a very innocent little platformer

This is an incredibly impressive work, especially for a prototype, and it's one of my favourites to win at least one category. It looks great, it plays great, the characters are cute.

I especially want to call attention to the game design here. The enemies are all highly distinct from each other, their attacks are telegraphed well, and their behaviours made sense. It's really interesting that your attack just stuns enemies, and that you have to pair them up to defeat them (unless you have enough energy), and I bet there's all sorts of interesting bits of encounter design you can do with that.

The web version had some performance issues, but the native one didn't, so it might have been a problem on my end. Runs in WINE, all is well.

Cute character designs! These were very expressive for how small they are.

The  physics are definitely super weighty, but I think that's kinda interesting. My second run through the level definitely went better than the first at least, once I got used to how I had to move. The emphasis really seems to be on quick horizontal movement and walljumps, and I think that's pretty cool.

Also, while it's Windows-only, it seems to run in WINE without trouble, so that's nice.

This is a fun concept for a game, and I definitely had a good time messing with the physics objects. Would be interesting to see this developed further! The little bits of dialogue around the environment were funny too, I've definitely had thoughts like that. Mouse sensitivity seemed kinda too high but that might've been a problem on my end, because I seem to run into that rather often.

Ah, nature's pocket.

This managed to combine being funny, challenging, and kinky. The controls took some time to get used to, but after some practice I had no trouble with them. Excellent work, I was genuinely impressed.

This is a super cute art style! I love the way everything's bouncing and wiggling - and the critter designs, of course. Overall this seems like a very cozy little setting and I've enjoyed the time I got to spend there.

Really love the way this is presented overall, with a mixture of text, semi-interactive pictures, and 2D segments. It's pretty cool.

I've said this before, on Discord, but I'm in awe of the graphics here. The backgrounds are intricate and detailed, and the character art is super expressive. I would 100% read this as a graphic novel if you'd ever felt like putting one out.

The plot is very interesting as well. I do worry a little about our viewpoint character, haha. Would be interesting to see where this one goes.

Horse game! Wishmaker seems nice, yes.

This was fun. Took me a moment to figure out what I was supposed to do, but once I did, it was entertaining. If you want to keep working on this, a tutorial would be nice, but fortunately it's not that complicated. The mouse jiggling mechanics worked well and matched the game's theme.

This is pretty cool, especially for a first big coding project. Mine weren't nearly this functional. Congratulations on finishing it!

This is a really cute concept. I especially liked the art and the sound design. As for the gameplay, you have a strong core set of mechanics, though right now RNG has a little too much influence - if you can find ways to give players a little more control over their cards, this could be great.

I also noticed a few typos. I'd recommend getting  a friend to proofread if you want to work on this further. It's not like there's a ton of text, though, so it didn't really reduce my enjoyment of the game.

All in all, good effort!

Boing! Putting that long torso to good use.

This is a fun little physics game, and it really is very satisfying to get an item into the, uh, score zone with a single bounce. Good job!

Girls being pals. You know, good friends and roommates.

This is a very sweet and artistic game, and an interesting way to present fragmentary poetry. Even translated and scattered and half-lost like this, the beauty shines through, yes.

You know... I didn't think these skills I built up, playing games with no mouselook, would ever become relevant again. But here we are! And it involves dragons with boobs as well.

The "slightly cursed early 3D game" aesthetics here are on point, I'm genuinely impressed.