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(1 edit) (+2)

Okay I'm impressed, seriously! This only took you a month? This is better than most of the existing audio games we have, and I'm saying that as someone who's been playing them for over 20 years! Are you sure this is your                      first time doing this? Because you really nailed things that we've been developing as concepts for years. This one I'll be keeping after the jam for sure.

Controls are flexible and logical, while navigation is easy with the wall sounds and beacons. Most jam games never reach this level of basic comfort in terms of mechanics.

The sounds are great, and the exhibit narration and music combine to make an immersive and believable atmosphere. Even the beacon noises are in theme... LOL

The stealth features are awesome, and something that we've been wanting in audio games for years now; it's kind of a dream come true to see it in action honestly, and it's what jams like this are all about.

It's always easy to tell where enemies are going and how close you are to being spotted thanks to the immediately recognizable sound cues and great audio positioning. So smooth in fact that I straight up forgot I was playing a jam game because I got so into it.

The puzzles are fun, and as someone without great pitch, I appreciate that you can try as many times as you want. I didn't feel like the amount of notes was unfair either.

I always love the inclusion of controller support, thanks for taking the time!

I like that the narrator announces which lasers are going down. Maybe an obvious thing, but easy to forget in a jam game.

I appreciate the inclusion of a readme, it's a nice touch.

Things I would improve.

Unfortunately, the game crashes any time you try to resume it, so I can't save settings.

I said the sound cues are immediately recognizable, and they are, for me, because I've been playing audio games for ages. But a learn game sounds menu would be excellent for people who haven't.

I'd like to be able to check my current room, remaining EMP charges, and possibly which lasers are active on demand.

The footsteps are a bit quiet for me even at max volume.

I wish the beacons had some kind of in between sound for when you're in a turn to the place you need to be, and not actually off the path, because it was a bit confusing at once when I was doing well and then suddenly it was going down and not up.

Some voice feedback when adjusting the graphics levels with dash and plus would be nice.

I'd like to be dropped into the main menu first thing rather than directly into the game, so that I can set my options before starting.

When adjusting volume sliders, playing a reference sound for that category rather than the standard menu beep would be helpful. (not vital but nice to have)

There seems to be an item stuck in the storage room that you can't reach, but maybe that's a purposeful thing?

Thank you for raising the bar not only for these jams, but honestly for audio games in general. It's one of the best audiogames I've played period, and I've played dozens of them over the years. Innovation was exactly what we as players were all hoping for out of these jams, and the fact that you went all out and didn't underestimate our abilities or fall back on stereotyping or cliche was really, really appreciated. I'd have given you more than straight 5's if I could have!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your extremely kind message!

I guess I didn't think it was that impressive, because it falls way below what I'd initially planned.
Many things had to get cut or simplified due to time constraints, and I was overall kind of unhappy with the state it's in.
But reading your feedback definitely bumped my ego up a notch, haha.

This is my first blind accessbile game, but I've previously made a blind accessibility mod for Plants Vs. Zombies, so that experience helped a lot with this project.

Sorry to hear about the crashing,
Edit: You should be able to avoid the crashing by pressing escape, instead of 'resume game'

Also, thanks a ton for the list of things you'd improve. That sort of feedback really helps.


Awesome, that makes sense now why you have some skill in this already. I thought I recognized your name from somewhere...

I'm surprised you had to cut so much. What's there is already very nice. I don't know if you'd be willing to continue this project, but if you do, I'd be happy to pay at least $10 for it in the current state, more if things get added.