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CG8516 (Clark)

A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Looks like a GPU issue. Does this happen for any other 3d games on your pc?   
Are your graphics card drivers up to date?  
I also see you're using EasyFPSEditor 1.5, not CE. Does this issue still occur with EFPSE CE?  

You need to have .net framework 4.6 or later installed.  
Here's a download link to for the latest version:

Alright, thanks for clarifying.
And thanks for the video too, that's very helpful!  
Is that issue still happening for you on the latest alpha build?

Very strange...   
And you're not saving it to OneDrive or something like that?  
Because unless there's a weird storage issue, or your harddrive is dying, I have no idea why that could be happening.  

Hi, thanks for your feedback!

I'll keep these things in mind for the future, but I'm currently avoiding adding any new features to the engine.
Very small things like the ability to enable/disable the minimap are ok, but anything that involves the editor, requires rewriting or requires extensive testing are not a priority right now.  

The latest 1.11 alpha (bleeding edge) builds have many more HUD commands, including rotation, scale, and layers.   
These should allow you to do anything you're trying to achieve with the HUD, and will allow you to implement a custom minimap.  
The latest alpha also has script commands that give you much more control over the flashlight.    

I'm not sure what you mean by dummy states?
You can already create your own states, and conditional branching is already supported.  

I'm also not sure what you mean by the player's projectile not taking damage? 
Enemies can't damage projectiles, only the player.  

The projectile crashing issue is also fixed in the latest alpha build.

Hi, sorry to hear that!  
What version of the engine are you using, and where are you saving your project?  
Does it happen immediately if you create a new project, save it, close the editor, then load it again?
I'm aware of an issue where some people have had their project become corrupt after a power failure or system crash. Did you experience either of those?  

And you also need a space after the first five numbers in the 'PARTICLES' action:
frame 5 0.02 0 0 0 PARTICLES 25 1,1,0,0,1 0,0,1

I wrote this game with C and the homebrew psp sdk:  
The graphics API (sceGU) is very similar to fixed-function openGL. So if there's anything you're trying to understand about sceGU, you can often use information/resources made for legacy openGL.  

I learned most of what I know about psp development from the samples included with the sdk.  
For example, this one shows you how to render a spinning 3d cube:   

I built a very small engine/framework for managing things like object positions, mesh data, sounds, etc..   
But I think the most important thing was building a gltf converter.  
This allowed me to build the entire level with blender, export as a gltf, then convert it to a format that the 'engine' could read directly, without needing any runtime conversion.   
This meant I could build a game without needing to also build a 3d editor.  
And I could build the engine with less work, as it only needed to support one texture type, vertex layout, etc..   

I did all the texture conversion, mipmap generation, vertex format changes, etc. on my pc, so I didn't have to worry about porting libraries to the psp, and I didn't need to deal with the memory limitations of the PSP during conversion.  

If you're just getting started with psp development, I would highly recommend checking out all of the included pspsdk samples.  
The psp homebrew discord: is a great place to learn more about psp development.  

This tool might be able to fix the issue for you automatically, just make sure you backup your project first

If that doesn't fix it, could you send me the Textures.dat file in your project folder?

What version are you using?
Triggers are only supposed to activate once, so it sounds like you're experiencing a bug.
Also, do the sounds interrupt when you get far away, or does it only happen if other sounds are played after it (weapon firing, enemy sounds, etc..)
I'm only able to encounter the interrupting audio issue if many other sounds are played after the trigger is activated, so if that's the same issue, it'll be fixed in the next alpha build.

This is now supported with the 'mcheckboxstyle' command in the latest alpha build

You could place a trigger to play a sound file, then the sound will play when the player walks into that tile.

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There probably won't ever be a macOS port of this engine in its current state. It was made with windows forms, so it's not easy to port to other OS's.
But I'll have more info to share about this and the future of the engine when the 1.11 update comes out.

Sorry you're having this issue :/
I can't really say what's going wrong without knowing a bit more about your project.
Did you place a player start position on those levels?
Are you using any scripts?

Custom particles share the same limit as normal particles. If you spawn more than the limit, some of them will be deleted.
This is configurable in the in-game settings menu, or by editing the config.ini file

The editor and engine have been tested and confirmed to work on all major releases of windows from vista to 11.
Your post is a little vague, what isn't working about it?
If the editor isn't starting, you may need to install .net framework 4.6 or newer:
If games aren't launching, you might need to install visual C++ 2019 or later:

If the problem is something else, let me know

Sounds like you might be loading maps that were made before the map format was updated.
Try opening your map files (in the Maps/ folder) with the tool on this update post:

Make sure you backup your project first, just in case something goes wrong.

Thanks for the ideas and feedback, I'll keep it in mind for future updates!

I'll look into that bug you're having with the triggers. If you're able to share a small demo project that has this problem, it will make it easier for me to find a fix.
Invisible walls have the same collision size as normal walls, try placing both next to eachother and compare the two.

Hello! 1.11 is currently in development :)
It's going to feature mostly scripting/fsm changes and bugfixes, but it will also greatly increase the weapon and map height limits, add support for editor translations and it'll include a few little things to make the editor nicer to use.
I'm hoping to get it released some time within the next couple of weeks, no promises though.

Did you set your weapon's "random damage" to 0?

Sorry, there was a bug with the 'disable culling' option.
It should work as expected in 1.10.4

The latest update (1.10.3) adds 'map return 3', which should keep playing sfx played in the script but will allow the original (non-scripted) music to continue.

Custom guard movement or patrolling might be coming in a later update, but it won't be for a while.
Rain can kind of be done already by making a decoration with an FSM that spawns particles.
Or you could do screenspace particles with HUD/foreground0.png to HUD/foreground3.png

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You already requested ladders, water and swimming.
I could maybe add escalators by adding a modifier that moves you in a certain direction.
Rain and snow can already be done with particles.
You can already use multiple sprites for enemies and decorations.
Zoom can already be done with the 'ZOOM' fsm action.
You can make destroyable 3d decorations.
You can do your proposed vehicle solution with a weapon FSM and the 'PLAYERSPEED' action

If you haven't already read the FSM section of the manual, I would highly encourage you to check it out.

Yes, it's something I'm planning on adding soon

This is now an experimental feature in the latest update. It hasn't been tested thoroughly with every command, so feedback and issue reports would be highly appreciated.
yourMapName_loop.script will run in the background as you play

This will be improved in the next update :)

You'll need .net framework 4.6 or later to run the editor:
And if the games don't run, you may need to update your visualC++ to 2019:

Thanks for playing, and for your very useful feedback :)  

If you haven't tried out the navigation assistance (tab), it should make it much easier to navigate.
A tutorial was definitely in the works, but I just didn't have enough time to fit it in.  
Even the main menu had to get scrapped, lol.

I'm sorry to hear about the volume levels. Sounds like it might be a bug, or maybe just something different between our audio setups. 
I'm glad you were able to work around it.  

And thanks for your feedback on the hacking minigame, it really helps :)

Haha, thanks for sharing your experience.  
Did you try out the navigation assistant (tab)? It will help guide you to all the rooms.

Thanks for the feedback!

Custom modifier already provide this functionality.  
If you want to re-use custom modifiers in a new project, copy the Tiles.dat file to your new project folder.  

Adding editor themes isn't really a priority right now. I'd prefer to focus on getting the foundation stable before putting new paint on.  
Supporting external language files would be great though, and is much more likely to come before a dark theme.

Not yet, but you can currently do quite a lot with the FSM, which will execute on every frame.

I'm not sure what you mean by adding parallax. The engine is 3d, so there is no need to fake 3d effects.
You can use a script to spawn 3d models outside of the map, which can provide more depth if that's what you want.

Why do you want dx11? What advantage will this bring?
I might work on shadows and lighting in the future, but don't expect realistic graphics.
I might also add the ability to change the skybox and fog with scripts, but there won't be any realtime GI.
There's currently no simple method of displaying a health bar.

This engine is for creating retro FPS games. If you want fancy graphics, use Unreal/Unity/Godot/GameGuru

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It's not impossible, but it won't be happening any time soon.
Porting will take a fair bit of work, as the engine wasn't designed to run on anything other than windows.  

Yeah, enemy movement sound effects are probably a good idea.  
You can currently jump higher by changing the gravity with a script, but you'll fall down slower too, so I'll consider adding player jump height.  

And no, I'm not aware of a bug that duplicates entities when loading saves.  
1.8 fixed a bug that would cause doors to duplicate when loading, which might have been caused by the same issue.  
But if you're still experiencing a duplication issue in the latest CE version, I'd love to discuss it with you so we can find the cause.

Yeah, probably in a future update.