Thanks for playing and the feedback! Always good not to read about crashes or freezes too.
The wonky and janky parts need to be ironed out over time obviously, so for instance the companions freaking out when teleporting to you is mostly their cloaks/cloth physics. Didn't find an elegant way to fix this yet, but maybe its enough to just make them briefly invisible and fade them back in?
The banter you suggested was already in the back of my head too, because i would like to make them very personality based and unique. That also goes for their skills/gimmicks which is also kind of a problem on how to customize them. Dungeon Siege just gave you modular options that let you mold each guy the same way if you wanted, which i want to avoid. The bow sorceress suggestion could be a first step towards that.
Hopefully for next DD i can get rid of the bugs, get the FPS up a bit more and get some more content going. Maybe even give the followers some real abilities. Thanks again!