Ok, so this is much, much more fun than it was :D The comment will be very minor, mostly bugreports.
I love the “least loot” and “weakest entities” settings. I might even slightly suggest “even less loot option” :D Though, as per notes below - I guess globally reducing the amount of loot might not be a good idea, just some kinds of. But I must admit that “barely having enough clothes” (especially thanks to yellow slime) is a game changer and I love it :D
Those below are rather minor, and as usually purely IMHO - just potential ideas, so up to you if you want to address those or have a better idea.
- Seems like green slimes often don’t react to player at all. Can walk through them, jump on them, stand in them. Seems like “in heat” state doesn’t change that much either, the “bell” bar starts growing slightly in this case.
- Thick fishnet glitches on character.
- Foods don’t seem to make sense. Hunger bar is usually always full thanks to fruits, it’s the thirst bar that lags behind, requiring to get some water. I guess consumables that restore both hunger and thirst are unbalanced for now relative to their spawn quantity. Especially as some need to be cooked first.
- Green slime jumps up the ceiling and it doesn’t look good.
- Purple slime is often transparent - it’s actually good, just slightly feels like it’s not supposed to be so.
- There is some loose pixel or several on chefknife. Check texture bleeding. Especially visible during search animation.
- Shopping street is very hard to navigate. I often end up going in loops, and there is no way to discern if some area was visited already - just go into a shop, check some container, if “searching…” pops up, this is a new place, if not - been here before.
- In cafeteria shop (the one with the fancy tables) in the kitchen area (first floor to the end right) the first container overlaps with the open door.
- It’s extremely hard to fight opponents (slimes in the first place) in the doorway. They aren’t visible, but can hit player character pretty well, while landing a hit is problematic.
- Obstacles (such as tables, “under construction”) seem to glitch player jumping behavior, especially if close enough to them. Maybe it’s better not to use them until they are fixed.
- “The switch seems to be broken” emits such a low-pitched sound that some utensils on my table ring :D I didn’t even know my 15-20 years old speakers can go that deep. I guess it’s not all that bad :D
- Being over-encumbered cuts down stamina regeneration and movement speed, and it’s ok. But it was unexpected for me as a player, I thought the game glitched out in some slow-mo event at first. I guess in some future “blinking status effect icon” or simply red encumbrance bar at right of the screen could be clearer as for the reasons.
- I’m still not sure that having a separate key to “stand up” (V) is a good idea. Especially as it’s very close to “build” key (B). Maybe just pressing “up” (or maybe even any directional key) or “jump” would be a better option?
- Also while we’re at the keys - why “F” to interact? It’s usually “E”. Not a big deal, just a notice.
- It happened a few times that goatman went “unsuspecting” during the fight. Twice so far: character started searching nearby, goatman woke up, kicked and immediately lied down to sleep. Second time: rammed player character (I love this!) and stopped, after hitting - received backstab (2x?) damage.
- Twice ram attack by goatman ended up with him stuck in the EXIT (where Player can leave the interior area), just standing there, not attacking and not attackable. Second time was playing “Walking” not “idle” animation under the same conditions.
- Cleaver and chefnkife have equal 14 damage - I strongly believe it’s not the only pair. It might be a fun idea to have items with a bit more random sats - just for the sake of diversity.
- Sometimes interactive objects don’t show “searching” delay, even though those have clearly never been searched before. I couldn’t find any reliable reproduction steps - maybe if this kind of shop was already looted before then some of the containers can occasionally not reset properly - but this is just a wild guess based that this happens after quite some time of exploring the shopping streets.
- I absolutely love how enemies footsteps, opening-closing of the door is heard. However it seems like the sound volume-panning doesn’t depend on physical sound position?
- I guess general problem of this kind of games - but sooner or later needs something to be done about it. When the character gets taken advantage of the first time it’s ok. But after 3-4 times it gets rather tedious to wait for 10-20 seconds until the controls reset back. I guess “skip to end” button might be a good start? At least not to wait until the bar fills up. Maybe even add ability to struggle in downed state too, making sure it remembers “history” so character can’t escape each and ever time and needs to stop resiting to get to the end (as in many other games).
- I have a suspicion that goatmen confuse night and just being dark inside of the buildings. Because they sleep too often.
- May be a good idea to block player input during fade-in-outs (and overall set game to pause (Time.timeScale = 0 and do the fade in Time.unscaledTime), I expect really weird behavior if a monster knocks-out heroine or something similar happens).
- Green slime spawned inside rubble in the tools store.
- Planks are still super rare to find. Ok, I’m playing on the “lowest loot quantity” setting, but compared to other loot they’re still too little. After a few hours of game finally a single tools store spawned, and it had only one plank inside :) I’m not building workbench at this rate :D
- Just noticed that eating berries reduces health? Oh, that was unexpected.
- It seems like just standing for 3 seconds also triggers stamina regen acceleration, no need to crouch (I don’t complain :D)
EDIT: version 0.0.8, Win 10x64