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thanks for the comment! do note that the orbs turning white is actually not itself enough--they have to turn even brighter than white.

that said, to me it now does seem that there is likely a bug of some sort. the only thing i can think of is maybe some systems are capping the color value at pure white, so it can't reach the needed threshold. if it's a deeper bug than that, though, i honestly have no idea how to figure it out. 

for now, i've pushed a patch that will hopefully make these sections doable by reducing the needed color threshold over time. it does take a little while so, if this fix does work for your system, it still might take ~20 seconds to get through these sections.

i'm also considering implementing another success condition for these sections that will help them work correctly, but this simpler change is all i have time for at the moment.


Thanks! It works great now and I was able to complete the whole game. It was very cute! I really liked the bits of dialogue scattered throughout as you progress.