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Does this have any content after the line “like what you see?” On runs that don’t crash before then, it freezes up there 100% of the time. I’m running this on a virtual machine under Parallels Desktop 19 running Windows 11 Pro (ARM64 build) on a MacBook Pro (M3 Max CPU), so there are multiple reasons it could be acting weird for me in ways it doesn’t act weird for other people.

(I don’t want to try to run game jam software outside of a VM or web browser, and Parallels works much better for running Windows games than Windows Sandbox on my actual PC does, thus this roundabout arrangement. I should probably divert this to a VM on my gaming PC though since a lot of Godot 4 games have trouble under Parallels ARM64.)

(1 edit) (+1)

that's really as far as we got. We have 2 minigames based on answers from the date Planned and subsequent dates. And minigames after that. It's ment to be a decent story but we started on short notice and had many problems with the engine. We know why it crashes. And I am working on rectifying this issue. It's my first game. And there are 4 of us minus my bf who is emotional support. We tried. I am proud as we did this with 8 days notice. Even with that we still have much to be desired. 

Thanks for the comment 

Regards azrael son of indra